Pergunta no Resposta ba Entrevista Servisu Setor Agrikultura no Hortikultura Vaga Austrália

Graphic by Jaciello

Referénsia Kompreensivu ba Aplikante Timor-oan iha Entrevista Vaga Servisu Setor Agrikultura no Hortikultura Austrália

B(caps)envindu belun! Sekarik agora dadaun ita-boot nudar aplikante Timor-oan ne'ebé selesionadu ba entrevista ho empregadór Australia sira iha setór agrikultura no hortikultura, referénsia ne'e FAHE HO ITA prepara espesial ba ita-boot. Iha konteúdu ne’e ami kompila ona lista kona-ba pergunta no resposta potensiál sira.

Pergunta sira-ne'e fahe ba kategoria tolu: jerál, espesífiku, no bazeia ba esperiénsia.

#Referénsia Q&A Setor Ospitalidade no Alojamentu

Prosesu Entrevista

Dala barak, antes entrevista komesa empregadór sei introdús sira-nia an no kona ba sira-nia toos. Sira bele ko'alia kona-ba ai-horis ne'ebé sira kuda ka animál ne'ebé sira hakiak, sira-nia toos nia luan, no serbisu sira ne'ebé presija atu trabailador sira halo.

Depois empregador halo introdusaun, dala barak sira sei fó tempu ba ita bo’ot hodi introdús mós kona ba ita bo’ot nia-an. Ezemplu pergunta no resposta aprezenta-an iha entrevista ho lian Ingles hanesan tuir mai:
Can you introduce yourself and describe your experience in the agriculture/horticulture sector?
Yes, I’m Lucas from Suai, Timor-Leste, and I have worked in the farming field for over two years. My work was mostly about looking after crops and picking them when they were ready. I have used different farming tools and machines like tractors and plows. I have also learned about different types of crops and what they need to grow well.

General Questions

1)      Are you comfortable with using farm machinery?

Yes, I have used different farm machines for tasks like preparing the land, planting seeds, and picking crops. I know how to use and look after tractors, plows, seed drills, sprayers, and harvesters. I also know that it’s important to be safe when using these machines.

2)      Are you okay with working in Australia for up to 4 years?

Yes, I have talked about this with my family and am ready to work in Australia for up to 4 years. I know that this is a great chance to learn new skills and get good experience. I am excited about learning about farming in Australia.

3)      What are your plans after working in Australia?

After working in Australia, I plan to bring back the skills and knowledge I’ve gained to Timor-Leste. I believe that the experience will be beneficial not only for me but also for my local community as I can share what I’ve learned and apply it to our local farming practices.

4)      How do you handle stress and pressure?

I believe in maintaining a healthy work-life balance to manage stress. I also practice mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to stay calm under pressure. Regular physical exercise also helps me to relieve stress.

5)      What are your strengths and weaknesses?

One of my strengths is my dedication to work and my ability to adapt to new environments. As for weaknesses, I am continuously working on improving my time management skills.

6)      How do you handle feedback and criticism?

I view feedback and criticism as opportunities to learn and improve. I am always open to constructive criticism and willing to make necessary changes to improve my performance.

Specific Questions

1)      How do you handle tasks that need a lot of physical strength?

I do regular exercise to keep myself strong and fit. This includes running for stamina and lifting weights for strength. I also take breaks and drink water during work to avoid getting too tired or overheated. Plus, I use the right way of lifting things and wear safety gear to avoid injuries.

2)      What safety measures do you take while working with farm machinery?

I always wear protective gear, follow the safety guidelines, and ensure the machinery is in good working condition before using it. I also avoid operating machinery when fatigued or under the influence of any substance that could impair my ability to operate it safely.

3)      How do you handle tasks that require precision and attention to detail?

I believe in planning and organizing my work in advance. I double-check my work to ensure accuracy and pay close attention to details. I also take regular short breaks to maintain my focus and avoid errors due to fatigue.

Personal Background Questions

1)      Where are you from and what is your farming background?

I am from Suai, Timor-Leste and I grew up in a farming family. I have been involved in farming activities since my childhood which has given me a strong foundation in agricultural practices.

2)      What motivated you to apply for a farming job in Australia?

I am motivated by the opportunity to learn advanced farming techniques and practices in Australia. I believe that this experience will enhance my skills and I can contribute to the agricultural sector in Timor-Leste when I return.

3)      How has your family supported your decision to work abroad?

My family has been very supportive of my decision to work in Australia. They understand the opportunities it presents for my personal and professional growth. We have discussed the ways to stay connected while I am away.

4)      What are your long-term career goals?

My long-term goal is to gain enough experience and knowledge in advanced farming techniques to contribute to the agricultural development in Timor-Leste. I aspire to implement sustainable farming practices in my local community.

5)      How do you plan to stay connected with your family while working abroad?

With the advancement in technology, staying connected with family has become easier. I plan to use video calling apps and social media platforms to regularly communicate with my family.

6)      What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and fishing. I also like reading books related to agriculture to enhance my knowledge.

FAHE HO ITA kontinua fó hanoin katak pergunta no resposta sira ne’e sei bele varia iha prosesu real tuir aplikante ida-idak nia esperiénsia no background. Importante mak onestu no koalia klaru iha Ita-nia resposta sira. Hatudu entuziazmu ba servisu no oportunidade atu servisu iha Australia. Sublinha Ita-nia matenek no esperiénsia ne'ebé indika katak ita iha kualifikasaun.

FAHE HO ITA fiar katak referénsia ne'e sei ajuda ita nia preparasaun ba entrevista nune’e bele hetan oportunidade ba mehi atu servisu iha agrikultura no hortikultura iha Austrália.

Good luck with your application and interview process! 😊



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  1. Obrigada barak ba referendu furak ba ami, ida ne'e di'ak tebes atu ita iha vizaun bainhira ba tuir interview. 🙏🤝

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