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Tenses Tradisional, Tenses Kondisional, Variasaun no Verbu Modal iha Lian Ingles.
Belun FAHEHOITA, Aprende Tenses lian Ingles bele iha dezafiu uituan, liuliu ba ita ne'ebé foin hahú. Maibé, atu ganha kompriensaun ne'ebé sólidu kona ba Tenses sira ne’e nudar pasu importante ba ita atu bele hala’o komunikasaun ne'ebé klaru no efetivu uza lian Ingles. Iha matadalan kompreensivu ida-ne'e, ita sei haré kle’an liu kona-ba intrikasaun husi Tenses tradisional 12 lian Ingles nian, Tenses kondisional 4, no variasaun sira ne'ebé nudar meios habarak kuantidade Tenses to'o 24 ka liu. Ita mós sei esplora utilizasaun verbu modal, nomós kompleksidade no espresaun sira iha lian Ingles.
Mai ita hahú, ba dahuluk haree kle'an liután kona-ba Tenses tradisionál 12 Ingles nian tuir mai.
A.Tenses Tradisional 12
Tenses tradisional Ingles, hamutuk sanulu resin rua (12) nudar Tenses prinsipal lian Ingles nian. Tenses sira ne’e fahe ona ba períodu tolu (3) mak hanesan: Past tense, Present tense no Future tense. Tempu sira husi períodu ne’e ida-idak iha nia aspetu haat (4) mak hanesan: Simple, Continuous (progressive), Perfect, no Perfect continuous.
1. Simple: Aspetu ida ne’e jeneralmente uza atu deskrebe kona ba faktu jeral (konkretu) sira ka asaun sira ne’ebé babain (komum) akontese ka loro-loron akontese.
2. Continuous (progressive): Deskrebe asaun sira ne’ebé la’o dadaun ka sedauk termina.
3. Perfect: Deskrebe asaun sira ne’ebé mak termina tiha ona iha tempu ruma nia laran, tempu ne’e bele liga ho presente ka pasadu.
4. Perfect Continuous: Deskrebe asaun sira ne’ebé mak la’o tiha ona (pasadu) no termina iha tempu ruma nia laran (pasadu) bainhira asaun seluk akontese.
Aspetu sira temi iha leten kuandu aplika bá períodu sira iha tempu pasadu, prezente no futuru nia rezultadu mak hamosu Tenses tradisional 12 ka Tenses prinsipal lian Ingles. Ezemplu sira ba aspetu 4 ne’e ida-idak hanesan defini tuir mai:
Lee esplikasaun kompreensivu kona ba Tenses 12 ba begineers iha ne'e
1. Simple Tenses
Simple tenses deskrebe asaun ne’ebé faktual (konkretu) no habitual (komum).
- Present Simple: Deskrebe habitual, jeneral faktual (unchanging situation).
- I play tennis every weekend.
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
- She likes strawberries.
- Past Simple: Deskrebe asaun termina ona iha pasadu.
- I visited my grandparents last summer.
- They went to the cinema yesterday.
- She studied all night for the exam.
- Future Simple: Deskrebe asaun sei akonese iha futuru.
- I will travel to Spain next year.
- They will watch the football match tomorrow.
- She will finish her project by Friday
2. Continuous (progressive) Tenses
Tenses ida ne’e deskrebe kona ba asaun sira ne’ebé la’o dadaun (ongoing actions).
- Present Continuous: Deskrebe asaun akontese dadaun iha tempu ko’alia (at the moment of speaking).
- I am reading a book.
- They are playing football now.
- She is preparing dinner.
- Past Continuous: Deskrebe asaun la’o hela iha tempu specífiku ruma iha pasadu.
- I was watching TV when she called.
- They were playing chess at 5 PM yesterday.
- She was sleeping when the doorbell rang.
- Future Continuous: Deskrebe asaun atu akontese iha tempu specífiku ruma iha futuru.
- I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.
- They will be playing football this time tomorrow.
- She will be working when you arrive.
3. Perfect Tenses
Tenses ne’e deskrebe kona ba asaun sira ne’ebé termina ona liga ho tempu prezente, pasadu, ka futuru.
- Present Perfect: Deskrebe asaun termina ona iha tempu ruma (unspecified) pasadu antes tempu prezente.
- I have visited Paris three times.
- They have eaten sushi before.
- She has finished her homework.
- Past Perfect: Deskrebe asaun termina ona antes momentu ruma ka asaun seluk iha pasadu.
- I had already left when you called.
- They had finished the game by the time we arrived.
- She had studied Japanese before she moved to Tokyo.
- Future Perfect: Deskrebe asaun ne’ebé sei termina antes momentu ka asaun seluk iha futuru.
- I will have graduated by the time you visit.
- They will have left the party by 10 PM.
- She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
4. Perfect Continuous Tenses
Tenses ne’e deskrebe kona ba asaun sira la’o dadaun ne’ebé kompletu ka termina ona iha tempu ruma iha pasadu ka sei termina iha futuru.
- Present Perfect Continuous: Deskrebe asaun, hahú ona iha pasadu no sei la’o dadaun iha prezente.
- I have been reading this book for two hours.
- They have been playing football since morning.
- She has been studying all day.
- Past Perfect Continuous: Deskrebe asaun la’o tiha ona iha no termina iha pasadu.
- I had been working for five hours before I took a break.
- They had been traveling for a month before they reached their destination.
- She had been studying for three hours before she stopped.
- Future Perfect Continuous: Deskrebe asaun atu hahú no kontinua to’o tempu balu iha futuru.
- I will have been working for six hours by the time I finish.
- They will have been playing football for an hour by the time we arrive.
- She will have been studying for two hours by the time the exam starts.
Importante atu nafatin hanoin katak Tenses tradisionál 12 mak tenses prinsipal lian Ingles nian, pasu ba dahuluk hodi manán no fluente uza grammar Ingles mak presija kompriende lalaok tempu defini iha Tenses sira ne’e ho loloós, tamba kontestu Tense Ingles variavel tebes tuir perspetiva aprende na’in sira nian.
Ita-Boot hatene ka lae? Tamba saidá mak ema balun seluk dehan Tenses lian Ingles total iha sanulu resin neen (16)? Razaun buka iha esplikasaun kona ba Tenses kondisional tuir mai.
B. Tenses Kondisional
Tenses kondisional ne’e dala barak forma ho klauzula ‘if clauses’, forma sira ne’e uza hodi halo predisaun tempu, espresa situasaun sira ne’ebé hipotetikal (hypothetical) ka potensial hanesan atu espresa liafuan mágico sira atu hamosu ka akontese buat ruma ne’ebé imposibel. Forma sira ne’e kategoriza ba tipu haat (4) hodi uza ba tempu específiku ruma tuir ida-idak nia situasaun:
1. Zero Conditional: Uza ba situasaun ne’ebé sempre verdade bainhira situasaun permiti.
2. First Conditional: Uza ba situasaun real no posibel iha futuru.
3. Second Conditional: Uza ba situasaun hypothetical iha prezente ka futuru.
4. Third Conditional: Uza ba situasaun hypothetical iha pasadu.
Kada tipu husi Tenses kondisional diferente uituan iha strutura no uza, nune’e importante tebes ba ita atu atensaun no kompriende didiak bainhira atu uza, tamba ita sei bele komunika no espresa iha sénariu oioin hodi forma no fornese liafuan sira ho rezultadu furak bainhira uza forma ne’e ho loloos. Mai ita haré hamutuk ezemplu sira oinsá uza forma ne’e iha prátika.
1. Zero Conditional
Forma liafuan sira iha Zero conditional uza hodi hateten kona ba verdadeiru komum ka buat sira ne’ebé akontese bebeik tamba kondisaun fiksu ruma. Strutura forma: [If/When + present simple, ... present simple].
- If you heat ice, it melts.
- When the sun sets, it gets dark.
- If it rains, the ground gets wet.
- When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
- If you don’t eat, you get hungry.
2. First Conditional
Forma liafuan sira iha First conditional uza ba situasaun sira ne’ebé real no posibel iha futuru. Liafuan sira ne’e sei forma ho estrutura: [If + present simple, ... will + infinitive].
- If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- If she comes to the party, I will be happy.
- If we win the lottery, we will buy a new house.
- If he doesn’t hurry, he will miss the bus.
3. Second Conditional
Forma liafuan sira iha Second conditional uza ba situasaun unreal ka improvável. Sei forma uza estrutura: [If + past simple, ... would + infinitive.]
- If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
- If you saw a ghost, you would be scared.
- If she were the president, she would make many changes.
- If we lived closer, we would see each other more often.
- If he had more time, he would learn a new language.
4. Third Conditional
Liafuan sira forma husi Third conditional uza ba situasaun unreal iha pasadu, ba buat sira ne’ebé la-akontese. Liafuan sira ne’e sei forma uza estrutura: [If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle].
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If you had woken up earlier, you would have caught the bus.
- If she had applied for the job, she would have got it.
- If we had left earlier, we would have arrived on time.
- If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
Lembra nafatin katak, atu uza grammar lian Ingles ho profesional ita tenki hatene uza no koloka forma sira husi conditional tenses ne’e hodi inklui iha atividade lorloron, oral no eskritamente.
Kontestu lian iha Ingles diversu tebes, fontes seluk sujere katak Tenses bele to’o 24! Kuriouzu? Iha seksaun tuir mai ita sei aprende kona ba variasaun sira ne’e.
C. Variasaun sira iha English Tenses
Enquanto tradisionalmente Tenses prinsipal Ingles iha sanulu resin-rua (12), fontes balun reklama katak tenses iha 16 no to’o 24 ka dala ruma bele liu, ida ne’e depende ba oinsá aprende na’in ida kategoriza no defini tenses sira ne’e tuir perspetiva rasik.
Perspetiva tradisional, lian Ingles iha Tenses prinsipal 12, forma husi kombinasaun tempu 3 (Past, Present, Future) no iha aspetu 4 (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect continuous). Tenses sira ne’e ajuda hodi espresa bainhira mak asaun ida mosu no nia situasaun (status) sai oinsá ka kompletu bainhira ka iha tempu ida ne’ebé?
Maibé, lian Ingles riku tebes ho sistema modal verbs, hanesan ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘must’, no seluktán. Modal verbs ne’e aumenta tan kamada signifikativu ba Tenses baziku sira, ba espresaun sira hanesan possibility, probability, necessity, obligation, permission, ability, no intention.
Ezemplu mak hanesan liafuan ‘used to’ no ‘going to’ dala barak konsidera hanesan-mós “tenses” husi perspetiva aprende na’in sira nian. Tipikalmente “used to” ne’e uza hodi ko’alia kona ba habitual sira iha pasadu ka situasaun sira ne’ebé la-ezisti ka la-hala’o ona iha tempu agora, enquanto ‘going to’ ne’e uza hodi ko’alia kona ba planu no predisaun sira iha futuru.
Nune’e, wainhira ita kompara hamutuk tenses baziku, aspetu sira, no modal verb sira ita haré katak númeru “tenses” iha lian Ingles bele barakliu tenses baziku 12. maibé, importante hodi nota katak sira ne’e la’os “tenses” tuir forma traditional nian. Bastante, nudar dalan seluk hodi espresa tempu, aspetu, no modalidade iha lian Ingles. Tuir mai ezemplu sira uza ‘used to’, ‘going to’, no modal verbs.
1. Used to
Used to uza hodi espresa kona ba asaun sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona regularmente iha pasadu, no asaun sira ne’e la-akontese ona iha tempu agora (prezente).
- I used to play basketball every weekend.
- She used to read a lot of books when she was a child.
- We used to go to the beach every summer.
- They used to live in New York.
- He used to have a pet dog.
- You used to write poems in high school.
2. Going to
Going to, ne’e uza hodi espresa asaun sira ne’ebé tuir planu sei akontese ka hala’o iha tempu oin-mai.
- I am going to visit my grandmother next week.
- She is going to start a new job next month.
- We are going to move to a new city next year.
- They are going to have a party this weekend.
- He is going to buy a new car soon.
- You are going to love this movie.
3. Modal Verbs
Modal verbs, aumenta kamada signifikativu ida ba tenses baziku hodi espresa kona ba possibility, probability, necessity, obligation, permission, ability, no intention. Observa diferensa entre sira iha ezemplu sira tuir mai:
Modal verb for probability: Ida ne’e uza hodi indika katak probabilidade (kemungkinan) buat ruma sei akontese.
- She might come to the party.
- He could be at home now.
- They may have left already.
- It might rain tomorrow.
- You could pass the exam with a little more study.
- We may go on vacation next month.
Modal Verbs for Ability: Ida ne’e uza hodi deskrebe abilidade ruma husi individual ida.
- I can swim.
- She could play the piano when she was younger.
- He will be able to complete the project on time.
- They can speak multiple languages.
- You could run a marathon with enough training.
- We will be able to meet the deadline.
Modal Verbs for Permission: Ida ne’e uza atu fó ka husu permisaun hodi hala’o buat ruma.
- You can go now.
- May I use your phone?
- Could I borrow your book?
- She can leave early today.
- May we start eating?
- Could they join us for dinner?
Modal Verbs for Obligation and Advice: Ida ne’e uza atu espresa buat ruma ne’ebé obrigatoriu tenki hala’o, ka atu fó conselho.
- You must submit your assignment by Friday.
- You should eat healthier food.
- He ought to quit smoking.
- They must follow the rules.
- You shouldn’t drive so fast.
- She ought to apologize.
Modal Verbs for Necessity: Ida ne’e uza atu espresa buat ruma ne’ebé nesesáriu ka obrigatoriu.
- You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
- I must finish this project by tomorrow.
- She has to study for the exam.
- We must respect each other’s opinions.
- They have to clean their room before they go out.
- He must take his medicine twice a day.
Modal Verbs for Possibility: Ida ne’e uza hodi espresa buat ruma ne’ebé posibel ka bele posibel iha tempu oin-mai.
- I might move to a new city next year.
- She could become a great artist.
- We may meet at the park tomorrow.
- They might travel to Europe next summer.
- He could win the lottery.
- You may find the book interesting.
Modal Verbs for Making Requests and Offers: Ida ne’e uza atu halo pedidu ka ofertas.
- Could you pass the salt, please?
- Would you like some coffee?
- Can I help you with that?
- May I open the window?
- Would you mind if I turned on the radio?
- Could I offer you a piece of cake?
Modal Verbs for Giving Orders: Ida ne’e uza atu fó orden ka instrusaun sira.
- You must stop at the red light.
- You should brush your teeth twice a day.
- He has to finish his homework before watching TV.
- They mustn’t talk during the exam.
- We have to wear a seatbelt when driving.
- You shouldn’t smoke in public places.
Lembra nafatin katak, ezemplu sira fornese iha artigu ne’e nudar parte natón balu husi eskopu Tenses Ingles nian, katak tenses bele aumenta barak liu husi kuantidade tradisional ne’ebé iha depende ba aprende na’in sira nia definisaun perspetiva.
Iha guia ida ne’e, ita esplora ona 12 traditional tenses, the 4 conditional tenses, no the variations iha ne’ebé bele extende kuantidade tenses ne’e rasik, adisional ita esplora ona mós kona ba modal verbs, nudar kamada importante ba komplexidade no espresidade iha lian Ingles.
Parte importante-liu mak ita presija kompriende nia forma no konseptu i hatene oinsá uza sira ne’e ho loloos iha kontestu ruma, hodi prátika no uza lorloron iha ita nia atividade diária oral no eskrita atu bele sai profisiente.
Keep practicing and happy learning!
A Comprehensive Guide to Traditional Tenses, Conditional Tenses, Variations and Modal Verbs in English
FAHEHOITA fellows, Learning English tenses can indeed be a bit challenging, particularly for beginners. However, gaining a solid understanding of them is a crucial step towards achieving clear and effective communication in English. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the 12 traditional English tenses, the 4 conditional tenses, and the variations that can extend the count up to 24 or more tenses. We will also explore the use of modal verbs, which add another layer of complexity and expressivity to the language.
Let’s begin by taking an in-depth look at the 12 traditional English tenses.
A. The 12 Traditional English Tenses
English traditionally has 12 tenses, which are divided into three-time frames: past, present, and future. Each of these time frames has four aspects: simple, continuous (also known as progressive), perfect, and perfect continuous.
- Simple: This aspect is used to describe actions that are general facts or habitual actions.
- Continuous (progressive): Describes ongoing or incomplete actions.
- Perfect: Describes actions that have been completed relative to another time.
- Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that have been ongoing and were completed at some point.
These aspects are applied to the past, present, and future time frames, resulting in the 12 traditional English tenses. The examples for each of these four aspects are as follows:
1. Simple Tenses
Simple tenses describe actions that are factual or habitual.
- Present Simple: Describes habits, general truths, or unchanging situations.
- I play tennis every weekend.
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
- She likes strawberries.
- Past Simple: Describes completed actions in the past.
- I visited my grandparents last summer.
- They went to the cinema yesterday.
- She studied all night for the exam.
- Future Simple: Describes actions that will happen in the future.
- I will travel to Spain next year.
- They will watch the football match tomorrow.
- She will finish her project by Friday.
2. Continuous (progressive) Tenses
Continuous tenses describe ongoing actions.
- Present Continuous: Describes actions happening at the moment of speaking.
- I am reading a book.
- They are playing football now.
- She is preparing dinner.
- Past Continuous: Describes actions that were ongoing at a specific time in the past.
- I was watching TV when she called.
- They were playing chess at 5 PM yesterday.
- She was sleeping when the doorbell rang.
- Future Continuous: Describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future.
- I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.
- They will be playing football this time tomorrow.
- She will be working when you arrive.
3. Perfect Tenses
Perfect tenses describe actions that are completed relative to the present, past, or future.
- Present Perfect: Describes actions completed at an unspecified time before now.
- I have visited Paris three times.
- They have eaten sushi before.
- She has finished her homework.
- Past Perfect: Describes actions completed before a certain moment in the past.
- I had already left when you called.
- They had finished the game by the time we arrived.
- She had studied Japanese before she moved to Tokyo.
- Future Perfect: Describes actions that will be completed before a certain moment in the future.
- I will have graduated by the time you visit.
- They will have left the party by 10 PM.
- She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
4. Perfect Continuous Tenses
Perfect continuous tenses describe ongoing actions that were completed at some point or will be completed in the future.
- Present Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that started in the past and are still happening in the present.
- I have been reading this book for two hours.
- They have been playing football since morning.
- She has been studying all day.
- Past Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that were ongoing and then completed in the past.
- I had been working for five hours before I took a break.
- They had been traveling for a month before they reached their destination.
- She had been studying for three hours before she stopped.
- Future Perfect Continuous: Describes actions that will start in the future and continue up to a point in the future.
- I will have been working for six hours by the time I finish.
- They will have been playing football for an hour by the time we arrive.
- She will have been studying for two hours by the time the exam starts.
Remember, mastering these 12 traditional tenses is your first big step in conquering English grammar. By practicing them in your daily conversations and writings, you’ll be paving the way towards proficiency.
But don’t stop there! The world of English tenses is much more expansive. Have you ever wondered what could possibly expand the count of tenses to 16? The answer lies in in the following explanation of the conditional tenses.
B. The Conditional Tenses
Conditional tenses, often formed with ‘if clauses’, are used to express situations that are hypothetical or potential and their possible outcomes. These tenses allow us to talk about hypothetical situations and their consequences. They are categorized into four types, each used for a specific kind of situation:
- Zero Conditional: Used for situations that are always true if the condition is met.
- First Conditional: Used for real and possible situations in the future.
- Second Conditional: Used for hypothetical situations in the present or future.
- Third Conditional: Used for hypothetical situations in the past.
Each type of conditional has a slightly different structure and use. By understanding these, you can express a wide range of scenarios and their potential outcomes. Let’s dive into the examples to see how they work in practice.
1. Zero conditional
Zero conditional sentences are used for general truths or things that always happen under certain conditions. They are formed using the structure: [If/When + present simple, ... present simple].
- If you heat ice, it melts.
- When the sun sets, it gets dark.
- If it rains, the ground gets wet.
- When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
- If you don’t eat, you get hungry.
2. First Conditional
First conditional sentences are used for real and possible situations in the future. They are formed using the structure: [If + present simple, ... will + infinitive].
- If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- If she comes to the party, I will be happy.
- If we win the lottery, we will buy a new house.
- If he doesn’t hurry, he will miss the bus.
3. Second Conditional
Second conditional sentences are used for unreal or improbable situations. They are formed using the structure: [If + past simple, ... would + infinitive].
- If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
- If you saw a ghost, you would be scared.
- If she were the president, she would make many changes.
- If we lived closer, we would see each other more often.
- If he had more time, he would learn a new language.
4. Third Conditional
Third conditional sentences are used for unreal situations in the past, things that did not happen. They are formed using the structure: [If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle].
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If you had woken up earlier, you would have caught the bus.
- If she had applied for the job, she would have got it.
- If we had left earlier, we would have arrived on time.
- If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
Remember, grasping these conditional tenses and their applications is a crucial step towards mastering English grammar. Incorporating them into your daily conversations and writings will not only enhance your proficiency but also enrich your expression in the language.
But don’t stop here! The world of English tenses is even more diverse. Some sources suggest there are up to 24 tenses! Intrigued? The following section will shed light on these variations.
C. The variations in English Tenses
While it’s traditionally accepted that English has 12 tenses, some sources claim there are 16, 24, or even more. This depends on how one categorizes and defines a ‘tense’.
In the traditional view, English has 12 tenses, which are combinations of three times (past, present, future) and four aspects (simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous). These tenses help us express when an action occurs and its state of completion.
However, English also has a rich system of modal verbs, such as ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘must’, and others. These modal verbs add additional layers of meaning to the basic tenses, expressing things like possibility, probability, necessity, obligation, permission, ability, and intention.
For example, ‘used to’ and ‘going to’ are often considered separate “tenses” in this expanded view. ‘Used to’ is typically used to talk about past habits or states that no longer exist, while ‘going to’ is used to talk about future plans or predictions.
So, when you take into account the basic tenses, the aspects, and the modal verbs, you can see how the number of “tenses” in English can quickly increase. However, it’s important to note that not all of these are “tenses” in the traditional sense. Rather, they are different ways of expressing time, aspect, and modality in English. Here are the examples of using ‘used to’, ‘going to’, and the modal verbs:
1. Used to
This is used for actions that happened regularly in the past but no longer occur in the present.
- I used to play basketball every weekend.
- She used to read a lot of books when she was a child.
- We used to go to the beach every summer.
- They used to live in New York.
- He used to have a pet dog.
- You used to write poems in high school.
2. Going to
This is used for planned future actions.
- I am going to visit my grandmother next week.
- She is going to start a new job next month.
- We are going to move to a new city next year.
- They are going to have a party this weekend.
- He is going to buy a new car soon.
- You are going to love this movie.
3. Modal Verbs
Modal verbs add additional layers of meaning to the basic tenses, expressing things like possibility, probability, necessity, obligation, permission, ability, and intention.
Modal verb for probability: These are used to indicate the likelihood of an event happening.
- She might come to the party.
- He could be at home now.
- They may have left already.
- It might rain tomorrow.
- You could pass the exam with a little more study.
- We may go on vacation next month.
Modal Verbs for Ability: These are used to describe skills or abilities that a person has.
- I can swim.
- She could play the piano when she was younger.
- He will be able to complete the project on time.
- They can speak multiple languages.
- You could run a marathon with enough training.
- We will be able to meet the deadline.
Modal Verbs for Permission: These are used to give or ask for permission to do something.
- You can go now.
- May I use your phone?
- Could I borrow your book?
- She can leave early today.
- May we start eating?
- Could they join us for dinner?
Modal verbs for obligation and advice: These are used to express something that must be done, or to give advice.
- You must submit your assignment by Friday.
- You should eat healthier food.
- He ought to quit smoking.
- They must follow the rules.
- You shouldn’t drive so fast.
- She ought to apologize.
Modal Verbs for Necessity: These are used to express something that is necessary or required.
- You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
- I must finish this project by tomorrow.
- She has to study for the exam.
- We must respect each other’s opinions.
- They have to clean their room before they go out.
- He must take his medicine twice a day.
Modal verbs for possibility: These are used to express something that is possible or could be possible in the future.
- I might move to a new city next year.
- She could become a great artist.
- We may meet at the park tomorrow.
- They might travel to Europe next summer.
- He could win the lottery.
- You may find the book interesting.
Modal Verbs for Making Requests and Offers: These are used to make requests or offers.
- Could you pass the salt, please?
- Would you like some coffee?
- Can I help you with that?
- May I open the window?
- Would you mind if I turned on the radio?
- Could I offer you a piece of cake?
Modal Verbs for Giving Orders: These are used to give orders or instructions.
- You must stop at the red light.
- You should brush your teeth twice a day.
- He has to finish his homework before watching TV.
- They mustn’t talk during the exam.
- We have to wear a seatbelt when driving.
- You shouldn’t smoke in public places.
Remember, these are just examples of how the landscape of English tenses can be expanded beyond the traditional 12 tenses. The exact count can vary depending on how one categorizes and defines a ‘tense’.
In this guide, we’ve explored the 12 traditional tenses, the 4 conditional tenses, and the variations that can extend the count up to 24 tenses. We’ve also delved into the world of modal verbs, which add another layer of complexity and expressivity to the language.
The most important thing is not just to memorize these forms, but to understand the concept and know how to use them correctly in context. Practice using them in your daily conversations and writings to become more proficient.
So, whether you’re grappling with the traditional tenses, navigating the conditional tenses, exploring the variations, or mastering the modal verbs, remember that each step brings you closer to becoming an expert in English tenses.
Keep practicing and happy learning!
Panduan Komprehensif tentang Tenses Tradisional, Conditional Tenses, Variasi dan Kata Kerja Modal dalam Bahasa Inggris
Sobat FAHEHOITA, Belajar tenses bahasa Inggris memang agak menantang, apalagi bagi pemula. Namun, mendapatkan pemahaman yang kuat tentang hal tersebut merupakan langkah penting untuk mencapai komunikasi yang jelas dan efektif dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam panduan komprehensif ini, kita akan mempelajari seluk-beluk 12 tenses bahasa Inggris tradisional, 4 tenses kondisional, dan variasi yang dapat memperpanjang hitungan hingga 24 tenses atau lebih. Kami juga akan mengeksplorasi penggunaan kata kerja modal, yang menambahkan lapisan kompleksitas dan ekspresifitas pada bahasa tersebut.
Mari kita mulai dengan melihat secara mendalam 12 tenses tradisional bahasa Inggris.
A. 12 Tenses Bahasa Inggris Tradisional
Bahasa Inggris secara tradisional memiliki 12 tenses, yang dibagi menjadi tiga kerangka waktu: past, present, dan future. Masing-masing kerangka waktu ini memiliki empat aspek: simple, continuous (progressive), perfect, dan perfect continuous.
- Simple: Aspek ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang merupakan fakta umum atau tindakan yang menjadi kebiasaan.
- Continuous (progressive): Menjelaskan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung atau tidak lengkap.
- Perfect: Menjelaskan tindakan yang telah diselesaikan relatif terhadap waktu lain.
- Perfect Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang telah berlangsung dan diselesaikan pada titik tertentu.
Aspek-aspek ini diterapkan pada kerangka waktu lampau, sekarang, dan masa depan, sehingga menghasilkan 12 tenses bahasa Inggris tradisional. Contoh masing-masing keempat aspek tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Simple Tenses
Simple tenses menggambarkan tindakan yang bersifat faktual atau kebiasaan.
- Present Simple: Menjelaskan kebiasaan, kebenaran umum, atau situasi yang tidak berubah.
- I play tennis every weekend.
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
- She likes strawberries.
- Past Simple: Menjelaskan tindakan yang telah selesai di masa lalu.
- I visited my grandparents last summer.
- They went to the cinema yesterday.
- She studied all night for the exam.
- Future Simple: Menjelaskan tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan.
- I will travel to Spain next year.
- They will watch the football match tomorrow.
- She will finish her project by Friday.
2. Continuous (progressive) Tenses
Continuous tenses menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung.
- Present Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang terjadi pada saat berbicara.
- I am reading a book.
- They are playing football now.
- She is preparing dinner.
- Past Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
- I was watching TV when she called.
- They were playing chess at 5 PM yesterday.
- She was sleeping when the doorbell rang.
- Future Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang akan berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
- I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.
- They will be playing football this time tomorrow.
- She will be working when you arrive.
3. Perfect Tenses
Perfect tenses menggambarkan tindakan yang diselesaikan relatif terhadap masa kini, masa lalu, atau masa depan.
- Present Perfect: Menjelaskan tindakan yang diselesaikan pada waktu yang tidak ditentukan sebelum sekarang.
- I have visited Paris three times.
- They have eaten sushi before.
- She has finished her homework.
- Past Perfect: Menjelaskan tindakan yang diselesaikan sebelum momen tertentu di masa lalu.
- I had already left when you called.
- They had finished the game by the time we arrived.
- She had studied Japanese before she moved to Tokyo.
- Future Perfect: Menggambarkan tindakan yang akan diselesaikan sebelum momen tertentu di masa depan.
- I will have graduated by the time you visit.
- They will have left the party by 10 PM.
- She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
4. Perfect Continuous Tenses
Perfect continuous tenses menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung yang telah selesai pada suatu saat atau akan selesai di masa depan.
- Present Perfect Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih terjadi di masa sekarang.
- I have been reading this book for two hours.
- They have been playing football since morning.
- She has been studying all day.
- Past Perfect Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung dan kemudian diselesaikan di masa lalu.
- I had been working for five hours before I took a break.
- They had been traveling for a month before they reached their destination.
- She had been studying for three hours before she stopped.
- Future Perfect Continuous: Menjelaskan tindakan yang akan dimulai di masa depan dan berlanjut hingga suatu titik di masa depan.
- I will have been working for six hours by the time I finish.
- They will have been playing football for an hour by the time we arrive.
- She will have been studying for two hours by the time the exam starts.
Ingat, menguasai 12 tenses tradisional ini adalah langkah besar pertama Anda dalam menguasai tata bahasa Inggris. Dengan mempraktikkannya dalam percakapan dan tulisan sehari-hari, Anda akan membuka jalan menuju kemahiran.
Tapi jangan berhenti di sini dulu! Dunia tenses bahasa Inggris jauh lebih luas. Pernahkah Anda bertanya-tanya apa yang bisa menambah jumlah tenses menjadi 16? Jawabannya ada pada penjelasan conditional tenses berikut ini.
B. The Conditional Tenses
Bentuk kata bersyarat, sering kali dibentuk dengan 'klausa if', digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang hipotetis atau potensial dan kemungkinan hasilnya. Tenses ini memungkinkan kita berbicara tentang situasi hipotetis dan konsekuensinya. Mereka dikategorikan menjadi empat jenis, masing-masing digunakan untuk situasi tertentu:
- Zero Conditional: Digunakan untuk situasi yang selalu benar jika kondisi terpenuhi.
- First Conditional: Digunakan untuk situasi nyata dan kemungkinan di masa depan.
- Second Conditional: Digunakan untuk situasi hipotetis di masa sekarang atau masa depan.
- Third Conditional: Digunakan untuk situasi hipotetis di masa lalu.
Setiap jenis conditional memiliki struktur dan kegunaan yang sedikit berbeda. Dengan memahami hal ini, Anda dapat mengungkapkan berbagai skenario dan potensi hasilnya. Mari selami contoh-contoh tersebut untuk melihat cara kerjanya dalam praktik.
1. Zero conditional
Kalimat zero conditional digunakan untuk kebenaran umum atau hal-hal yang selalu terjadi dalam kondisi tertentu. Mereka dibentuk menggunakan struktur: [If/When + present simple, ... present simple].
- If you heat ice, it melts.
- When the sun sets, it gets dark.
- If it rains, the ground gets wet.
- When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
- If you don’t eat, you get hungry.
2. First Conditional
Kalimat kondisional pertama digunakan untuk situasi nyata dan kemungkinan di masa depan. Mereka dibentuk menggunakan struktur: [If + present simple, ... will + infinitive].
- If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- If she comes to the party, I will be happy.
- If we win the lottery, we will buy a new house.
- If he doesn’t hurry, he will miss the bus.
3. Second Conditional
Kalimat kondisional kedua digunakan untuk situasi yang tidak nyata atau tidak mungkin. Mereka dibentuk menggunakan struktur: [If + past simple, ... would + infinitive].
- If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
- If you saw a ghost, you would be scared.
- If she were the president, she would make many changes.
- If we lived closer, we would see each other more often.
- If he had more time, he would learn a new language.
4. Third Conditional
Kalimat kondisional ketiga digunakan untuk situasi yang tidak nyata di masa lalu, hal-hal yang tidak terjadi. Mereka dibentuk menggunakan struktur: [If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle].
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If you had woken up earlier, you would have caught the bus.
- If she had applied for the job, she would have got it.
- If we had left earlier, we would have arrived on time.
- If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
Ingat, memahami tenses kondisional ini dan penerapannya merupakan langkah penting dalam menguasai tata bahasa Inggris. Memasukkannya ke dalam percakapan dan tulisan Anda sehari-hari tidak hanya akan meningkatkan kemahiran Anda tetapi juga memperkaya ekspresi Anda dalam bahasa tersebut.
Tapi jangan berhenti di sini! Dunia tenses bahasa Inggris pun semakin beragam. Beberapa sumber menyatakan ada hingga 24 tenses! Penasaran? Bagian berikut akan menjelaskan variasi ini.
C. The variations in English Tenses
Meskipun secara tradisional diterima bahwa bahasa Inggris memiliki 12 tenses, beberapa sumber mengklaim ada 16, 24, atau bahkan lebih. Hal ini tergantung pada bagaimana seseorang mengkategorikan dan mendefinisikan sebuah 'tense'.
Dalam pandangan tradisional, bahasa Inggris memiliki 12 tenses yang merupakan gabungan dari tiga tenses (past, present, future) dan empat aspek (simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous). Tenses ini membantu kita mengungkapkan kapan suatu tindakan terjadi dan keadaan penyelesaiannya.
Namun, bahasa Inggris juga memiliki sistem kata kerja modal yang kaya, seperti 'can', 'could', 'may', 'might', 'shall', 'should', 'will', 'would', 'must', dan lain-lain. Kata kerja modal ini menambahkan lapisan makna tambahan pada bentuk kata dasar, mengungkapkan hal-hal seperti possibility, probability, necessity, obligation, permission, ability, dan intention.
Misalnya, 'used to' dan 'going to' sering kali dianggap sebagai “tenses” yang terpisah dalam tampilan yang diperluas ini. 'Used to' biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan kebiasaan atau keadaan masa lalu yang sudah tidak ada lagi, sedangkan 'going to' digunakan untuk membicarakan rencana atau prediksi masa depan.
Jadi, jika Anda memperhitungkan tenses dasar, aspek, dan kata kerja modal, Anda dapat melihat bagaimana jumlah “tenses” dalam bahasa Inggris dapat meningkat dengan cepat. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa tidak semua ini merupakan “tensi” dalam pengertian tradisional. Sebaliknya, keduanya merupakan cara yang berbeda untuk menyatakan waktu, aspek, dan modalitas dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan ‘used to’, ‘going to’, dan modal verbs:
1. Used to
Ini digunakan untuk tindakan yang sering terjadi di masa lalu namun tidak lagi terjadi di masa sekarang.
- I used to play basketball every weekend.
- She used to read a lot of books when she was a child.
- We used to go to the beach every summer.
- They used to live in New York.
- He used to have a pet dog.
- You used to write poems in high school.
2. Going to
Ini digunakan untuk merencanakan tindakan di masa depan.
- I am going to visit my grandmother next week.
- She is going to start a new job next month.
- We are going to move to a new city next year.
- They are going to have a party this weekend.
- He is going to buy a new car soon.
- You are going to love this movie.
3. Modal Verbs
Kata kerja modal menambahkan lapisan makna tambahan pada tenses dasar, mengungkapkan hal-hal seperti kemungkinan, probabilitas, kebutuhan, kewajiban, izin, kemampuan, dan niat.
Modal verb for probability: Ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan terjadinya suatu peristiwa.
- She might come to the party.
- He could be at home now.
- They may have left already.
- It might rain tomorrow.
- You could pass the exam with a little more study.
- We may go on vacation next month.
Modal Verbs for Ability: Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan keterampilan atau kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang.
- I can swim.
- She could play the piano when she was younger.
- He will be able to complete the project on time.
- They can speak multiple languages.
- You could run a marathon with enough training.
- We will be able to meet the deadline.
Modal Verbs for Permission: Ini digunakan untuk memberi atau meminta izin untuk melakukan sesuatu.
- You can go now.
- May I use your phone?
- Could I borrow your book?
- She can leave early today.
- May we start eating?
- Could they join us for dinner?
Modal verbs for obligation and advice: Ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang harus dilakukan, atau untuk memberikan nasihat.
- You must submit your assignment by Friday.
- You should eat healthier food.
- He ought to quit smoking.
- They must follow the rules.
- You shouldn’t drive so fast.
- She ought to apologize.
Modal Verbs for Necessity: Ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang perlu atau diperlukan.
- You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
- I must finish this project by tomorrow.
- She has to study for the exam.
- We must respect each other’s opinions.
- They have to clean their room before they go out.
- He must take his medicine twice a day.
Modal verbs for possibility: Ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang mungkin atau mungkin terjadi di masa depan.
- I might move to a new city next year.
- She could become a great artist.
- We may meet at the park tomorrow.
- They might travel to Europe next summer.
- He could win the lottery.
- You may find the book interesting.
Modal Verbs for Making Requests and Offers: Ini digunakan untuk membuat permintaan atau penawaran.
- Could you pass the salt, please?
- Would you like some coffee?
- Can I help you with that?
- May I open the window?
- Would you mind if I turned on the radio?
- Could I offer you a piece of cake?
Modal Verbs for Giving Orders: Ini digunakan untuk memberi perintah atau instruksi.
- You must stop at the red light.
- You should brush your teeth twice a day.
- He has to finish his homework before watching TV.
- They mustn’t talk during the exam.
- We have to wear a seatbelt when driving.
- You shouldn’t smoke in public places.
Ingat, ini hanyalah contoh bagaimana lanskap tenses bahasa Inggris dapat diperluas melampaui 12 tenses tradisional. Jumlah pastinya dapat bervariasi tergantung pada bagaimana seseorang mengkategorikan dan mendefinisikan sebuah 'tegang'.
Dalam panduan ini, kita telah menjelajahi 12 tenses tradisional, 4 tenses kondisional, dan variasi yang dapat memperpanjang hitungan hingga 24 tenses. Kami juga mempelajari dunia kata kerja modal, yang menambahkan lapisan kompleksitas dan ekspresifitas pada bahasa tersebut.
Hal terpenting bukan hanya sekedar menghafal bentuk-bentuk tersebut, namun memahami konsepnya dan mengetahui cara menggunakannya dengan benar dalam konteksnya. Berlatihlah menggunakannya dalam percakapan dan tulisan Anda sehari-hari agar menjadi lebih mahir.
Jadi, apakah Anda sedang mempelajari tenses tradisional, mempelajari tenses kondisional, menjelajahi variasinya, atau menguasai kata kerja modal, ingatlah bahwa setiap langkah membawa Anda semakin dekat untuk menjadi ahli dalam tenses bahasa Inggris.
Keep practicing and happy learning!
Um guia abrangente para Traditional Tenses, Conditional Tenses, Variations e Modal Verbs em Inglês
Colegas FAHEHOITA, Aprender os tempos verbais do inglês pode realmente ser um pouco desafiador, especialmente para iniciantes. No entanto, obter uma compreensão sólida deles é um passo crucial para alcançar uma comunicação clara e eficaz em inglês. Neste guia completo, nos aprofundaremos nos meandros dos 12 tempos tradicionais do inglês, dos 4 tempos condicionais e das variações que podem estender a contagem até 24 ou mais tempos. Também exploraremos o uso de verbos modais, que acrescentam outra camada de complexidade e expressividade à linguagem.
Vamos começar examinando em profundidade os 12 tempos tradicionais do inglês.
A. Os 12 Tempos Tradicionais do Inglês
O inglês tradicionalmente tem 12 tempos, que são divididos em três períodos de tempo: passado, presente e futuro. Cada um desses prazos tem quatro aspectos: simple, continuous (também conhecido como progressivo), perfect e perfect continuous.
- Simple: Este aspecto é usado para descrever ações que são fatos gerais ou ações habituais.
- Continuous (progressive): Descreve ações em andamento ou incompletas.
- Perfect: Descreve ações que foram concluídas em relação a outro momento.
- Perfect Continuous: Descreve ações que estão em andamento e foram concluídas em algum momento.
Esses aspectos são aplicados aos períodos de tempo passado, presente e futuro, resultando nos 12 tempos tradicionais do inglês. Os exemplos para cada um desses quatro aspectos são os seguintes:
1. Simple Tenses
Os tempos simples descrevem ações factuais ou habituais.
- Present Simple: Descreve hábitos, verdades gerais ou situações imutáveis.
- I play tennis every weekend.
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
- She likes strawberries.
- Past Simple: Descreve ações concluídas no passado.
- I visited my grandparents last summer.
- They went to the cinema yesterday.
- She studied all night for the exam.
- Future Simple: Descreve ações que acontecerão no futuro.
- I will travel to Spain next year.
- They will watch the football match tomorrow.
- She will finish her project by Friday.
2. Continuous (progressive) Tenses
Os tempos contínuos descrevem ações contínuas.
- Present Continuous: Descreve ações que acontecem no momento da fala.
- I am reading a book.
- They are playing football now.
- She is preparing dinner.
- Past Continuous: Descreve ações que estavam em andamento em um momento específico no passado.
- I was watching TV when she called.
- They were playing chess at 5 PM yesterday.
- She was sleeping when the doorbell rang.
- Future Continuous: Descreve ações que estarão em andamento em um momento específico no futuro.
- I will be studying at 8 PM tonight.
- They will be playing football this time tomorrow.
- She will be working when you arrive.
3. Perfect Tenses
Os tempos perfeitos descrevem ações que são concluídas em relação ao presente, passado ou futuro.
- Present Perfect: Descreve ações concluídas em um momento não especificado antes.
- I have visited Paris three times.
- They have eaten sushi before.
- She has finished her homework.
- Past Perfect: Descreve ações concluídas antes de um determinado momento no passado.
- I had already left when you called.
- They had finished the game by the time we arrived.
- She had studied Japanese before she moved to Tokyo.
- Future Perfect: Descreve ações que serão concluídas antes de um determinado momento no futuro.
- I will have graduated by the time you visit.
- They will have left the party by 10 PM.
- She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
4. Perfect Continuous Tenses
Os tempos contínuos perfeitos descrevem ações contínuas que foram concluídas em algum ponto ou serão concluídas no futuro.
- Present Perfect Continuous: Descreve ações que começaram no passado e ainda acontecem no presente.
- I have been reading this book for two hours.
- They have been playing football since morning.
- She has been studying all day.
- Past Perfect Continuous: Descreve ações que estavam em andamento e foram concluídas no passado.
- I had been working for five hours before I took a break.
- They had been traveling for a month before they reached their destination.
- She had been studying for three hours before she stopped.
- Future Perfect Continuous: Descreve ações que começarão no futuro e continuarão até certo ponto no futuro.
- I will have been working for six hours by the time I finish.
- They will have been playing football for an hour by the time we arrive.
- She will have been studying for two hours by the time the exam starts.
Lembre-se, dominar esses 12 tempos tradicionais é o seu primeiro grande passo na conquista da gramática inglesa. Ao praticá-los em suas conversas e escritos diários, você estará abrindo caminho para a proficiência.
Mas não pare por aí! O mundo dos tempos ingleses é muito mais amplo. Você já se perguntou o que poderia expandir a contagem de tempos para 16? A resposta está na seguinte explicação dos tempos condicionais.
B. Os Tempos Condicionais
Os tempos condicionais, muitas vezes formados com “cláusulas if”, são usados para expressar situações hipotéticas ou potenciais e seus possíveis resultados. Esses tempos nos permitem falar sobre situações hipotéticas e suas consequências. Eles são categorizados em quatro tipos, cada um usado para um tipo específico de situação:
- Zero Conditional: Usado para situações que são sempre verdadeiras se a condição for atendida.
- First Conditional: Usado para situações reais e possíveis no futuro.
- Second Conditional: Usado para situações hipotéticas no presente ou futuro.
- Third Conditional: Usado para situações hipotéticas do passado.
Cada tipo de condicional tem uma estrutura e um uso ligeiramente diferentes. Ao compreendê-los, você pode expressar uma ampla gama de cenários e seus resultados potenciais. Vamos mergulhar nos exemplos para ver como eles funcionam na prática.
1. Zero conditional
Frases condicionais zero são usadas para verdades gerais ou coisas que sempre acontecem sob certas condições. Eles são formados usando a estrutura: [If/When + present simple, ... present simple].
- If you heat ice, it melts.
- When the sun sets, it gets dark.
- If it rains, the ground gets wet.
- When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
- If you don’t eat, you get hungry.
2. First Conditional
As primeiras sentenças condicionais são usadas para situações reais e possíveis no futuro. Eles são formados usando a estrutura: [If + present simple, ... will + infinitive].
- If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- If she comes to the party, I will be happy.
- If we win the lottery, we will buy a new house.
- If he doesn’t hurry, he will miss the bus.
3. Second Conditional
As segundas sentenças condicionais são usadas para situações irreais ou improváveis. Eles são formados usando a estrutura: [If + past simple, ... would + infinitive].
- If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
- If you saw a ghost, you would be scared.
- If she were the president, she would make many changes.
- If we lived closer, we would see each other more often.
- If he had more time, he would learn a new language.
4. Third Conditional
As terceiras sentenças condicionais são usadas para situações irreais do passado, coisas que não aconteceram. Eles são formados usando a estrutura: [If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle].
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
- If you had woken up earlier, you would have caught the bus.
- If she had applied for the job, she would have got it.
- If we had left earlier, we would have arrived on time.
- If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
Lembre-se de que compreender esses tempos condicionais e suas aplicações é um passo crucial para dominar a gramática inglesa. Incorporá-los em suas conversas e escritos diários não apenas aumentará sua proficiência, mas também enriquecerá sua expressão no idioma.
Mas não pare aqui! O mundo dos tempos ingleses é ainda mais diversificado. Algumas fontes sugerem que existem até 24 tempos! Intrigado? A seção a seguir esclarecerá essas variações.
C. As Variações nos Tempos Ingleses
Embora seja tradicionalmente aceito que o inglês tenha 12 tempos, algumas fontes afirmam que existem 16, 24 ou até mais. Isso depende de como alguém categoriza e define um “tense”.
Na visão tradicional, o inglês possui 12 tempos, que são combinações de três tempos (passado, presente, futuro) e quatro aspectos (simples, contínuo, perfeito, perfeito contínuo). Esses tempos nos ajudam a expressar quando uma ação ocorre e seu estado de conclusão.
No entanto, o inglês também possui um rico sistema de verbos modais, como 'can', 'could', 'may', 'might', 'shall', 'should', 'will', 'would', 'must', e outros. Esses verbos modais adicionam camadas adicionais de significado aos tempos básicos, expressando coisas como possibilidade, probabilidade, necessidade, obrigação, permissão, habilidade e intenção.
Por exemplo, ‘used to’ e ‘going to’ são frequentemente considerados “tenses” separados nesta visão expandida. ‘Used to’ é normalmente usado para falar sobre hábitos passados ou estados que não existem mais, enquanto ‘going to’ é usado para falar sobre planos ou previsões futuras.
Então, quando você leva em conta os tempos básicos, os aspectos e os verbos modais, você pode ver como o número de “tenses” em inglês pode aumentar rapidamente. No entanto, é importante notar que nem todos estes são “tempos verbais” no sentido tradicional. Em vez disso, são formas diferentes de expressar tempo, aspecto e modalidade em inglês. Aqui estão os exemplos de uso de ‘used to’, ‘going to’ e os verbos modais:
1. Used to
Isto é usado para ações que aconteceram regularmente no passado, mas não ocorrem mais no presente.
- I used to play basketball every weekend.
- She used to read a lot of books when she was a child.
- We used to go to the beach every summer.
- They used to live in New York.
- He used to have a pet dog.
- You used to write poems in high school.
2. Going to
Isso é usado para ações futuras planejadas.
- I am going to visit my grandmother next week.
- She is going to start a new job next month.
- We are going to move to a new city next year.
- They are going to have a party this weekend.
- He is going to buy a new car soon.
- You are going to love this movie.
3. Modal Verbs
Os verbos modais adicionam camadas adicionais de significado aos tempos básicos, expressando coisas como possibilidade, probabilidade, necessidade, obrigação, permissão, habilidade e intenção.
Modal verb for probability: Eles são usados para indicar a probabilidade de um evento acontecer.
- She might come to the party.
- He could be at home now.
- They may have left already.
- It might rain tomorrow.
- You could pass the exam with a little more study.
- We may go on vacation next month.
Modal Verbs for Ability: Eles são usados para descrever habilidades ou habilidades que uma pessoa possui.
- I can swim.
- She could play the piano when she was younger.
- He will be able to complete the project on time.
- They can speak multiple languages.
- You could run a marathon with enough training.
- We will be able to meet the deadline.
Modal Verbs for Permission: Eles são usados para dar ou pedir permissão para fazer algo.
- You can go now.
- May I use your phone?
- Could I borrow your book?
- She can leave early today.
- May we start eating?
- Could they join us for dinner?
Modal verbs for obligation and advice: São usados para expressar algo que deve ser feito ou para dar conselhos.
- You must submit your assignment by Friday.
- You should eat healthier food.
- He ought to quit smoking.
- They must follow the rules.
- You shouldn’t drive so fast.
- She ought to apologize.
Modal Verbs for Necessity: Eles são usados para expressar algo que é necessário ou exigido.
- You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
- I must finish this project by tomorrow.
- She has to study for the exam.
- We must respect each other’s opinions.
- They have to clean their room before they go out.
- He must take his medicine twice a day.
Modal verbs for possibility: Eles são usados para expressar algo que é possível ou poderia ser possível no futuro.
- I might move to a new city next year.
- She could become a great artist.
- We may meet at the park tomorrow.
- They might travel to Europe next summer.
- He could win the lottery.
- You may find the book interesting.
Modal Verbs for Making Requests and Offers: Eles são usados para fazer solicitações ou ofertas.
- Could you pass the salt, please?
- Would you like some coffee?
- Can I help you with that?
- May I open the window?
- Would you mind if I turned on the radio?
- Could I offer you a piece of cake?
Modal Verbs for Giving Orders: Eles são usados para dar ordens ou instruções.
- You must stop at the red light.
- You should brush your teeth twice a day.
- He has to finish his homework before watching TV.
- They mustn’t talk during the exam.
- We have to wear a seatbelt when driving.
- You shouldn’t smoke in public places.
Lembre-se, estes são apenas exemplos de como o panorama dos tempos verbais do inglês pode ser expandido para além dos 12 tempos tradicionais. A contagem exata pode variar dependendo de como se categoriza e define um “tempo verbal”.
Neste guia, exploramos os 12 tempos tradicionais, os 4 tempos condicionais e as variações que podem estender a contagem até 24 tempos. Também nos aprofundamos no mundo dos verbos modais, que adicionam outra camada de complexidade e expressividade à linguagem.
O mais importante não é apenas memorizar essas formas, mas entender o conceito e saber utilizá-las corretamente no contexto. Pratique usá-los em suas conversas e escritos diários para se tornar mais proficiente.
Então, quer você esteja lidando com os tempos tradicionais, navegando nos tempos condicionais, explorando as variações ou dominando os verbos modais, lembre-se de que cada passo o deixa mais perto de se tornar um especialista em tempos verbais do inglês.
Keep practicing and happy learning!
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