Try FHI English Quiz for the Active and Passive Voices here.
Kompriende Active no Passive Voices iha lian Ingles
Benvindu mai FAHEHOITA, fatin ba aprende na’in sira iha nivel hotu-hotu. Maski ita bo’ot ho nivel edukasaun mínimu ka estudante ida-ne'ebé foin hahú, ka estudante ida-ne'ebé avansadu, ka profisionál ida-ne'ebé buka atu hadi’a no amenta abilidade Ingles, artigu ne'e ami fornese ba ita. Ami sei fornese informasaun komprehensivu kona ba oinsá uza Active voice no Passive voice Ingles nian iha nivel profisionál tolu: inisiante, intermediariu no avansadu.
1. Nivel inisiante
Iha nivel ida ne’e, importante atu tenki hatene didiak strutura báziku husi forma liafuan ba active no passive voice ne’e rasik.
Active Voice: atu forma liafuan active voice, sujeitu maka performa ka halo asaun hasoru objetu. Strutura formulasaun hanesan: Sujeitu + V1 + Objetu (S + V1 + O).
- “She reads (V1) the book.”
- “John plays (V1) the guitar.”
- “We watch (V1) a movie.”
- “I buy (V1) a car.”
- “They eat (V1) dinner.”
- “You write (V1) a letter.”
Passive Voice: atu forma liafuan passive voice, sujeitu maka sei simu asaun husi objetu ka hanesan objetu ne’e hetan asaun husi sujeitu. Strutura formulasun sei muda sai hanesan: Objetu + be + V3 (verbu pasadu husi verbu baze, V1).
- “The book is read (V3) by her.”
- “The guitar is played (V3) by John.”
- “A movie is watched (V3) by us.”
- “A car is bought (V3) by me.”
- “Dinner is eaten (V3) by them.”
- “A letter is written (V3) by you.”
Iha forma passive voice, komplikadu uituan atu esplika iha lian Tetum maibé, bainhira ita observa didiak formulasaun iha leten no ezemplu sira tuir mai ita sei identifika rasik mudansa no transforma spesífiku ba forma passive voice ne’e rasik ho loloos.
Iha ezemplu forma liafuan sira ba Active no Passive voice iha leten ita bele identifika nune’e:
- She reads (V1) the book (active voice).
- The book is read (V3) by her (passive voice).
Bainhira observa didiak ezemplu sira husi numeru (1) no (2) iha leten ne’ebé loloos ne’e ho signifika hanesan deit, sekarik tradus ba Tetum signifika hanesan:
- Nia (feto) le’e livru ne’e. (active voice)
- Livru ne’e le’e husi nia (feto). (passive voice)
Nune’e husi esplikasaun sira iha leten indika katak bainhira liafuan Active voice ka liafuan ho forma ba-loos-mai-loos transforma ba fali liafuan Passive voice ka liafuan komplikadu sei fornese signifika hanesan, nune’e hatudu klaru ona katak bainhira atu transforma liafuan active voice ba passive voice ita presija kompriende nia formulasaun hodi bele transforma liafuan ne’e ho loloos.
Atu ita kompriende didiak iha prosesu transformasaun liafuan Active voice ba Passive voice maka presija dekor no hatene diferensa entre verbu Regular no Irregular iha lian Ingles ho didiak (V1 – V2 – V3).
Tamba saidá lauza V2?: Iha lian English, V2 (past simple) sei uza bainhira asaun ida kompletu iha pasadu no tempu ba asaun ne’e importante (atensaun ba tempu presente no pasadu). Maibé, iha strutura active no passive voices, ita foka liuliu de’it ba asaun ne’e rasik no laharé ba tempu sira asaun ne’e akontese (la-atensaun ba tempu presente no pasadu). Nune’e ita forma fraze ne’e uza deit V1 no V3.
Tamba saidá tenki foka deit ba asaun?: iha lian English, active no passive voices uza hodi dezvia atensaun husi sé maka halo asaun ne’e hodi foka de’it ba asaun ne’e rasik ka la-interese ema ne’ebé performa asaun ne’e no foka deit ba asaun ne’e rasik. Nune’e bele halo liafuan ne’e objective liu ka impersonal, iha ne’ebé dala barak presija liu uja iha hakerek formal sira.
Oinsá, forma Active no Passive voice iha nivel intermediariu iha lian Ingles ho loloos? Le’e didiak esplikasaun iha numeru (2) tuir mai.
2. Nivel intermediariu
Iha nivel ida ne’e, ita kompriende ona bainhira maka uza active or passive voice, tamba ita aprende ona iha nivel inisiante iha leten.
Active Voice: Uza active voice hodi sublinha no deklara sujeitu ne’ebé performa asaun ne’e, nia formluasaun mak hanesan: (S + V1 + O).
- “Mary bakes (V1) the cookies.” (sublinha katak, Mary mak halo dosi)
- “The dog chases (V1) the cat.” (sublinha katak, asu mak halo asaun duni)
- “The teacher will correct (V1) the tests.” (sublinha katak, manorin mak sei halo kurizi)
- “The chef is preparing (V1) the meal.” (sublinha katak, tein na’in mak halo preparasaun)
- “The artist paints (V1) the portrait.” (sublinha katak, pintador mak halo pinta)
- “The gardener has planted (V3) the flowers.” (sublinha katak, toos na’in mak kuda)
Passive Voice: ita uza passive voice hodi deklara asaun ruma la-haré-ba semak performa asaun ne’e.
- “The cookies are baked (V3).” (la-importante, semak halo dosi)
- “The cat is chased (V3).” (la-important,e saidá mak duni busa)
- “The tests will be corrected (V3).” (la-importante, semak sei kurizi teste)
- “The meal is being prepared (V3).” (la-importante, semak prepara ai-han
- “The portrait was painted (V3).” (la-importante, semak pinta)
- “The flowers have been planted (V3).” (la-importante, semak kuda aifunan)
Tamba saidá la-uza V2?: Iha nivel ida ne’e, razaun la-uza V2 nafatin hanesan ho razaun defini ba nivel inisiante. Formasaun liafuan sublinha deit ba asaun hodi la-interese ba asaun ne’e akontese iha tempu prezenti ka pasadu.
Tamba said’a foka deit ba asaun?: bainhira ita avansa ona ba oin hodi kompriende lian Ingles, ita sei aprende katak liafuan active no passive voices permiti ita atu sublinha asaun ida ne’ebé performa, la-haré ba tempu sira ba tenses Ingles nian. Mekanizmu ida ne’e partikularmente importante liu iha hakerek sira formal no hakerek sira iha aspetu akademiku nian, iha ne’ebé dala barak foka liu bá asaun ka rezultadu asaun la-haré ba ema ka buat ruma ne’ebé performa asaun ne’e.
Oinsá, forma Active no Passive voice iha nivel avansadu iha lian Ingles ho loloos? Le’e didiak esplikasaun iha numeru (3) tuir mai.
3. Nivel avansadu
Iha nivel ida ne’e, ita sei aprende oiná uza ho kompleksu liafuan active no passive voice.
Active Voice: Active voice jeralmente prefere uza iha hakerek liafuan Ingles tamba sei fó sentidu imediatizm no klaru ka fasil atu kompriende.
- “The team will present (V1) the project tomorrow.”
- “The company has launched (V3) a new product.”
- “The government is considering (V1) new regulations.”
- “The scientist discovered (V1) a new species.”
- “The author wrote (V1) a best-selling novel.”
- “The director will release (V1) the film next month.”
Passive Voice: Passive voice uza komum liu hodi ko’alia kona ba prosesu siéntifika no uza linguazem formal, hanesan uza iha média sira (hakerek no oral).
- “The project will be presented (V3) by the team tomorrow.”
- “A new product has been launched (V3) by the company.”
- “New regulations are being considered (V3) by the government.”
- “A new species was discovered (V3) by the scientist.”
- “A best-selling novel was written (V3) by the author.”
- “The film will be released (V3) next month by the director.”
Tamba saidá la-uza V2?: razaun la-uza V2 iha nivel ida ne’e, nafatin hanesan ho razaun defini ona iha nivel inisial. Maski ita ko’alia kona ba prosesu siéntifika no uza linguazem formal, ita sei foka liuliu de’it ba asaun ne’e rasik no ignora asaun ne’e akontese iha tempu prezenti ka pasadu.
Tamba saidá foka de’it ba asaun?: Atiha nivel avansadu ne’e, uza liafuan active no passive voice stratéjiku tebes. Iha kaju oioin, liuliu iha hakerek siénsia no akademika, iha ne’ebé importante liu maka asaun no rezultadu ne’e rasik hodi ignora ema ka saidá maka performa asaun ne’e nomós ignora tempu sira tenses Ingles nian iha ne’ebé asaun ne’e akontese.
Belun FAHEHOITA, to’o ba rohan ona artigu badak ida ne’e kona ba kompriende liafuan active no passive voice nudar parte importante atu domina lian Ingles. La’os deit hatene kona ba regras, maibé presija hatene katak bainhira maka tenki uza active no passive voice ne’e. Xhave atu domina maka prátika no aprende bebeik.
Sekarik belun iha hanoin ruma diferente ho artigu ne'e, bele fahe hela esperiensia no perspetiva iha koluna komentariu iha kraik.
Agradese wa’in tamba le’e ona artigu simples ne’e iha FAHEHOITA, kontinua aprende no prátika!
#fahehoita #fahetutan
Understanding Active and Passive Voices in English Language
Welcome to FAHEHOITA, a place for learners of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner student, an advanced learner, or a professional looking to polish your English skills, this article is for you. We will guide you through the use of active and passive voices in English across three levels of proficiency: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
1. Beginner Level
At the beginner level, it’s crucial to grasp the basic structure of sentences in the active and passive voice.
Active Voice: In the active voice, the subject performs the action. The structure is: subject + V1 + object (S + V1 + O).
- “She reads (V1) the book.”
- “John plays (V1) the guitar.”
- “We watch (V1) a movie.”
- “I buy (V1) a car.”
- “They eat (V1) dinner.”
- “You write (V1) a letter.”
Passive Voice: In the passive voice, the subject is acted upon or receives the action. The sentence structure changes to: object + be + V3 (past participle of the main verb).
- “The book is read (V3) by her.”
- “The guitar is played (V3) by John.”
- “A movie is watched (V3) by us.”
- “A car is bought (V3) by me.”
- “Dinner is eaten (V3) by them.”
- “A letter is written (V3) by you.”
WHY NOT V2 and WHY focus on the action?
Why not V2?: In English, V2 (past simple) is used when the action is completed in the past and the time of the action is important. However, in the structures of active and passive voices, the focus is on the action itself and not when it was completed. Hence, we use V1 and V3.
Why focus on the action?: In English, the active and passive voices are used to shift the focus from who is doing the action to the action itself. This can make the sentence more objective or impersonal, which is often needed in formal writing.
2. Intermediate Level
At the intermediate level, we start to understand when to use active or passive voice.
Active Voice: Use the active voice to emphasize the subject that performs the action (S + V1 + O).
- “Mary bakes (V1) the cookies.” (Emphasis is on Mary, who does the baking)
- “The dog chases (V1) the cat.” (Emphasis is on the dog, who did the chasing)
- “The teacher will correct (V1) the tests.” (Emphasis is on the teacher, who will do the correcting)
- “The chef is preparing (V1) the meal.” (Emphasis is on the chef, who is doing the preparing)
- “The artist paints (V1) the portrait.” (Emphasis is on the artist, who did the painting)
- “The gardener has planted (V3) the flowers.” (Emphasis is on the gardener, who has done the planting)
Passive Voice: Use the passive voice when it isn’t said, known, or important who does an action.
- “The cookies are baked (V3).” (It’s not important who baked the cookies)
- “The cat is chased (V3).” (It’s not important who chased the cat)
- “The tests will be corrected (V3).” (It’s not important who will correct the tests)
- “The meal is being prepared (V3).” (It’s not important who is preparing the meal)
- “The portrait was painted (V3).” (It’s not important who painted the portrait)
- “The flowers have been planted (V3).” (It’s not important who planted the flowers)
WHY NOT V2 and WHY focus on the action?
Why not V2?: At this level, while the usage of active and passive voices becomes more nuanced, the reason for not using V2 remains the same. The emphasis is still on the action and not on when it was completed.
Why focus on the action?: As we advance in our understanding of English, we learn that the active and passive voices allow us to highlight the action being performed, regardless of the tense of the sentence. This is particularly useful in academic and formal writing, where the focus is often on the action or result rather than on who or what is performing the action.
3. Advanced Level
At the advanced level, we delve into more complex uses of the active and passive voice.
Active Voice: Active voice is generally preferred in most English writing because it gives a sense of immediacy and clarity.
- “The team will present (V1) the project tomorrow.”
- “The company has launched (V3) a new product.”
- “The government is considering (V1) new regulations.”
- “The scientist discovered (V1) a new species.”
- “The author wrote (V1) a best-selling novel.”
- “The director will release (V1) the film next month.”
Passive Voice: Passive voice is commonly used to talk about scientific processes and in formal language, such as in news reports.
- “The project will be presented (V3) by the team tomorrow.”
- “A new product has been launched (V3) by the company.”
- “New regulations are being considered (V3) by the government.”
- “A new species was discovered (V3) by the scientist.”
- “A best-selling novel was written (V3) by the author.”
- “The film will be released (V3) next month by the director.”
WHY NOT V2 and WHY focus on the action?
Why not V2?: Even at the advanced level, the reason for not using V2 in the structures of active and passive voices remains the same. Whether we’re talking about scientific processes or formal language, the focus is still on the action itself and not on when it was completed.
Why focus on the action?: At the advanced level, the use of active and passive voices becomes even more strategic. In many cases, especially in academic and scientific writing, the action or the result of the action is more important than who or what is performing the action. This is why the focus remains on the action, regardless of the tense of the sentence.
Understanding the active and passive voice is a vital part of mastering English. It’s not just about knowing the rules, but also about knowing when to use which voice. The key is practice. So keep practicing, keep learning, and you’ll master these voices in no time. Thank you for reading FAHEHOITA, and happy learning!
#fahehoita #fahetutan
Pemahaman Active dan Passive Voices dalam Bahasa Inggris
Selamat datang di FAHEHOITA, tempat bagi pelajar dari semua tingkatan. Baik Anda seorang pelajar pemula, pembelajar tingkat lanjut, atau seorang profesional yang ingin mengasah kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda, artikel ini cocok untuk Anda. Kami akan memandu Anda dalam penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam bahasa Inggris dalam tiga tingkat kemahiran: pemula, menengah, dan lanjutan.
1. Level pemula
Pada tingkat pemula, penting untuk memahami struktur dasar kalimat dalam kalimat aktif dan pasif.
Active voice: Dalam suara aktif, subjek melakukan tindakan. Strukturnya adalah: subjek + V1 + objek (S + V1 + O).
- “She reads (V1) the book.”
- “John plays (V1) the guitar.”
- “We watch (V1) a movie.”
- “I buy (V1) a car.”
- “They eat (V1) dinner.”
- “You write (V1) a letter.”
Passive voice: Dalam kalimat pasif, subjek ditindaklanjuti atau menerima tindakan. Struktur kalimatnya berubah menjadi: object + be + V3 (past participle dari kata kerja utama).
- “The book is read (V3) by her.”
- “The guitar is played (V3) by John.”
- “A movie is watched (V3) by us.”
- “A car is bought (V3) by me.”
- “Dinner is eaten (V3) by them.”
- “A letter is written (V3) by you.”
MENGAPA tidak menggunakan V2 dan MENGAPA hanya fokus pada aksi?
Mengapa tidak menggunakan V2?: Dalam bahasa Inggris, V2 (past simple) digunakan ketika suatu tindakan selesai di masa lalu dan waktu tindakan itu penting. Namun, dalam struktur kalimat aktif dan pasif, fokusnya adalah pada tindakan itu sendiri dan bukan pada saat tindakan itu selesai. Oleh karena itu, kami menggunakan V1 dan V3.
Mengapa hanya berfokus pada tindakan?: Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat aktif dan pasif digunakan untuk mengalihkan fokus dari siapa yang melakukan tindakan ke tindakan itu sendiri. Hal ini dapat membuat kalimat menjadi lebih objektif atau impersonal, yang sering kali diperlukan dalam penulisan formal.
2. Tingkat menengah
Pada tingkat menengah, kita mulai memahami kapan harus menggunakan kalimat aktif atau pasif.
Passive voice: Gunakan suara aktif untuk menekankan subjek yang melakukan tindakan (S + V1 + O).
- “Mary bakes (V1) the cookies.” (Penekanan ada pada Maria, yang membuat kue)
- “The dog chases (V1) the cat.” (Penekanan ada pada anjing yang melakukan pengejaran)
- “The teacher will correct (V1) the tests.” (Penekanan ada pada guru yang akan melakukan koreksi)
- “The chef is preparing (V1) the meal." (Penekanan ada pada koki, yang melakukan persiapan)
- “The artist paints (V1) the portrait.” (Penekanan ada pada seniman yang melukis)
- “The gardener has planted (V3) the flowers.” (Penekanan ada pada tukang kebun yang melakukan penanaman)
Passive voice: Gunakan kalimat pasif ketika tidak diucapkan, diketahui, atau penting siapa yang melakukan suatu tindakan.
- “The cookies are baked (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang membuat kuenya)
- “The cat is chased (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang mengejar kucing itu)
- “The tests will be corrected (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang akan memperbaiki tesnya)
- “The meal is being prepared (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang menyiapkan makanan)
- “The portrait was painted (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang melukis potret itu)
- “The flowers have been planted (V3).” (Tidak penting siapa yang menanam bunganya)
MENGAPA tidak menggunkan V2 dan MENGAPA fokus pada aksi?
Mengapa tidak menggunakan V2?: Pada level ini, meskipun penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif menjadi lebih bernuansa, alasan untuk tidak menggunakan V2 tetap sama. Penekanannya masih pada tindakan dan bukan pada kapan tindakan itu selesai.
Mengapa hanya berfokus pada tindakan?: Saat kita semakin memahami bahasa Inggris, kita belajar bahwa kalimat aktif dan pasif memungkinkan kita menyorot tindakan yang sedang dilakukan, terlepas dari bentuk kalimatnya. Hal ini sangat berguna dalam penulisan akademis dan formal, yang fokusnya sering kali pada tindakan atau hasil, bukan pada siapa atau apa yang melakukan tindakan tersebut.
3. Tingkat Lanjut
Pada tingkat lanjutan, kami mempelajari penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif yang lebih kompleks.
Active Voice: Suara aktif umumnya lebih disukai di sebagian besar tulisan bahasa Inggris karena memberikan kesan kedekatan dan kejelasan.
- “The team will present (V1) the project tomorrow.”
- “The company has launched (V3) a new product.”
- “The government is considering (V1) new regulations.”
- “The scientist discovered (V1) a new species.”
- “The author wrote (V1) a best-selling novel.”
- “The director will release (V1) the film next month.”
Passive Voice: Suara pasif biasanya digunakan untuk berbicara tentang proses ilmiah dan dalam bahasa formal, seperti dalam laporan berita.
- “The project will be presented (V3) by the team tomorrow.”
- “A new product has been launched (V3) by the company.”
- “New regulations are being considered (V3) by the government.”
- “A new species was discovered (V3) by the scientist.”
- “A best-selling novel was written (V3) by the author.”
- “The film will be released (V3) next month by the director.”
MENGAPA tidak menggunakan V2 dan MENGAPA fokus pada aksi?
Mengapa tidak menggunakan V2?: Bahkan pada tingkat lanjutan, alasan untuk tidak menggunakan V2 dalam struktur kalimat aktif dan pasif tetap sama. Baik kita berbicara tentang proses ilmiah atau bahasa formal, fokusnya tetap pada tindakan itu sendiri dan bukan pada kapan tindakan itu selesai.
Mengapa hanya berfokus pada tindakan?: Pada tingkat lanjutan, penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif menjadi lebih strategis. Dalam banyak kasus, terutama dalam penulisan akademis dan ilmiah, tindakan atau hasil tindakan lebih penting daripada siapa atau apa yang melakukan tindakan tersebut. Inilah sebabnya mengapa fokusnya tetap pada tindakan, apa pun bentuk kalimatnya.
Memahami kalimat aktif dan pasif adalah bagian penting dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris. Ini bukan hanya tentang mengetahui aturannya, tetapi juga tentang mengetahui kapan harus menggunakan suara yang mana. Kuncinya adalah latihan. Jadi teruslah berlatih, teruslah belajar, dan Anda akan menguasai suara-suara ini dalam waktu singkat. Terima kasih telah membaca FAHEHOITA, dan selamat belajar!
#fahehoita #fahetutan
Compreendendo Active e Passive voices no idioma Inglês
Bem-vindo ao FAHEHOITA, um lugar para alunos de todos os níveis. Quer você seja um estudante iniciante, um aluno avançado ou um profissional em busca de aprimorar suas habilidades em inglês, este artigo é para você. Iremos orientá-lo no uso de vozes ativas e passivas em inglês em três níveis de proficiência: iniciante, intermediário e avançado.
1. Nível iniciante
No nível iniciante, é crucial compreender a estrutura básica das frases na voz ativa e passiva.
Active voice: Na voz ativa, o sujeito realiza a ação. A estrutura é: sujeito + V1 + objeto (S + V1 + O).
- “She reads (V1) the book.”
- “John plays (V1) the guitar.”
- “We watch (V1) a movie.”
- “I buy (V1) a car.”
- “They eat (V1) dinner.”
- “You write (V1) a letter.”
Passive voice: Na voz passiva, o sujeito sofre ação ou recebe a ação. A estrutura da frase muda para: objeto + ser + V3 (particípio passado do verbo principal).
- “The book is read (V3) by her.”
- “The guitar is played (V3) by John.”
- “A movie is watched (V3) by us.”
- “A car is bought (V3) by me.”
- “Dinner is eaten (V3) by them.”
- “A letter is written (V3) by you.”
POR QUE NÃO V2 e POR QUE focar na ação?
Por que não V2?: Em inglês, V2 (passado simples) é usado quando a ação é concluída no passado e o tempo da ação é importante. Porém, nas estruturas de vozes ativas e passivas, o foco está na ação em si e não em quando ela foi concluída. Portanto, usamos V1 e V3.
Por que focar na ação?: Em inglês, as vozes ativa e passiva são usadas para mudar o foco de quem está fazendo a ação para a ação em si. Isso pode tornar a frase mais objetiva ou impessoal, o que muitas vezes é necessário na escrita formal.
2. Nível intermediário
No nível intermediário começamos a entender quando usar a voz ativa ou passiva.
Active voice: Utilize a voz ativa para enfatizar o sujeito que realiza a ação (S + V1 + O).
- “Mary bakes (V1) the cookies.” (A ênfase está em Mary, que cozinha)
- “The dog chases (V1) the cat.” (A ênfase está no cachorro, que perseguiu)
- “The teacher will correct (V1) the tests.” (A ênfase está no professor, que fará a correção)
- “The chef is preparing (V1) the meal.” (A ênfase está no chef, que faz a preparação)
- “The artist paints (V1) the portrait.” (A ênfase está no artista, que fez a pintura)
- “The gardener has planted (V3) the flowers.” (Destaque para o jardineiro, que fez o plantio)
Passive voice: Use a voz passiva quando não for dito, conhecido ou importante quem realiza uma ação.
- “The cookies are baked (V3).” (Não importa quem fez os biscoitos)
- “The cat is chased (V3).” (Não importa quem perseguiu o gato)
- “The tests will be corrected (V3).” (Não importa quem corrigirá os testes)
- “The meal is being prepared (V3).” (Não importa quem está preparando a refeição)
- “The portrait was painted (V3).” (Não é importante quem pintou o retrato)
- “The flowers have been planted (V3).” (Não importa quem plantou as flores)
POR QUE NÃO V2 e POR QUE focar na ação?
Por que não V2?: Neste nível, embora o uso de vozes ativas e passivas se torne mais sutil, o motivo para não usar V2 permanece o mesmo. A ênfase ainda está na ação e não em quando ela foi concluída.
Por que focar na ação?: À medida que avançamos na compreensão do inglês, aprendemos que as vozes ativa e passiva nos permitem destacar a ação que está sendo realizada, independente do tempo verbal da frase. Isto é particularmente útil na escrita acadêmica e formal, onde o foco geralmente está na ação ou no resultado, e não em quem ou o que está realizando a ação.
3. Nível avançado
No nível avançado, nos aprofundamos nos usos mais complexos da voz ativa e passiva.
Active voice: A voz ativa é geralmente preferida na maior parte da escrita em inglês porque dá uma sensação de imediatismo e clareza.
- “The team will present (V1) the project tomorrow.”
- “The company has launched (V3) a new product.”
- “The government is considering (V1) new regulations.”
- “The scientist discovered (V1) a new species.”
- “The author wrote (V1) a best-selling novel.”
- “The director will release (V1) the film next month.”
Passive voice: A voz passiva é comumente usada para falar sobre processos científicos e em linguagem formal, como em reportagens.
- “The project will be presented (V3) by the team tomorrow.”
- “A new product has been launched (V3) by the company.”
- “New regulations are being considered (V3) by the government.”
- “A new species was discovered (V3) by the scientist.”
- “A best-selling novel was written (V3) by the author.”
- “The film will be released (V3) next month by the director.”
POR QUE NÃO V2 e POR QUE focar na ação?
Por que não V2?: Mesmo no nível avançado, o motivo para não utilizar V2 nas estruturas de vozes ativas e passivas permanece o mesmo. Quer estejamos falando de processos científicos ou de linguagem formal, o foco ainda está na ação em si e não em quando ela foi concluída.
Por que focar na ação?: No nível avançado, o uso da voz ativa e passiva torna-se ainda mais estratégico. Em muitos casos, especialmente na escrita acadêmica e científica, a ação ou o resultado da ação é mais importante do que quem ou o que está realizando a ação. É por isso que o foco permanece na ação, independentemente do tempo verbal da frase.
Compreender a voz ativa e passiva é uma parte vital para dominar o inglês. Não se trata apenas de conhecer as regras, mas também de saber quando usar qual voz. A chave é a prática. Portanto, continue praticando, continue aprendendo e você dominará essas vozes rapidamente. Obrigado por ler FAHEHOITA e bom aprendizado!
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