APIKURU: Remembering September 25, 1999.


Graphic by Jaciello
Remembering September 25, 1999

FAHE HO ITA - On the 25th of September 1999, the tranquil municipality of Lautém in East Timor bore witness to a harrowing chapter that would forever leave a profound mark on the collective memory of its people. This sorrowful incident unfolded shortly after the historic Popular Consultation held on the 30th of August 1999, signifying a pivotal juncture in the annals of East Timor's history.

Led by Joni Marques, a prominent member of the pro-integration militia ALFA, a group of nine individuals perpetrated a heinous act of violence that claimed the lives of numerous innocent souls, thereby casting a somber shadow over the nascent aspirations of this fledgling nation.

This tragedy would claim the lives of distinguished members of the clergy, including Mother Erminia Cazzaniga, Mother Celeste de Carvalho, Brother Jacinto Xavier, Brother Fernando dos Santos, and Seminarian Valerio da Conceição. Among the victims were other individuals, notably Indonesian journalist Agus Mulyawan, as well as Cristovão Rudy Barreto and Titi Sandora Lopes, who were accompanying the clergy on their journey. Tragically, eight others, including Izinho Freitás Amaral, met a similar fate in the same fateful location.

Reports from that mournful day suggest that Mother Erminia was targeted during her moments of prayer. Joni Marques, the leader of the group, purportedly acted on information that indicated the Catholic Church's support for East Timor's quest for independence, which subsequently led to the brutal and devastating massacre.

🗺️ Explore the massacre site on the Google Map 👇

Reflecting on this heart-wrenching episode, it is incumbent upon us to pay tribute to the indomitable spirits of those who laid down their lives in the pursuit of justice and freedom. The sacrifices made by these valiant individuals stand as an enduring testament to the adversities endured by the people of Timor in their unyielding struggle for self-determination.

To the families and loved ones left behind, we extend our deepest sympathies and condolences. The anguish of losing someone to such gratuitous violence is beyond measure, and we honor your unwavering strength in the face of insurmountable grief. May the cherished memories of your departed loved ones serve as a wellspring of fortitude and inspiration as we continue to labor for a more equitable and serene world.

This tragic episode serves as a poignant reminder of the cruelty inherent in warfare, and it prompts us to contemplate the ongoing conflicts in our world, such as those in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, and other inhumane wars. As we remember the sacrifices of those in East Timor, we should also reflect on the broader implications of senseless violence in our contemporary global landscape.

To the generations yet to come, let this sorrowful episode serve as a poignant lesson in the resilience of the human spirit and an unwavering commitment to upholding the dignity of all. In the ceaseless pursuit of justice and freedom, let us never forget the sacrifices borne by those who came before us. May their bravery and unwavering commitment illuminate our path as we work steadfastly toward the realization of a world where such grievous atrocities are but distant echoes in the annals of history.

Adapted source: Timor-Leste's war history.


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