
Graphic by Jaciello
A Fictional Conversation between Two Timorese Discuss about Working Abroad in Korea.
H(caps)ave you ever wondered what it would be like to work in a foreign country? How would you adapt to a different culture, language, and lifestyle? What would you learn from such an experience?
In this fictional conversation, we invite you to join Ana and Lucas, two friends from Timor-Leste, as they chat about Lucas's three-year journey working in the manufacturing industry in Korea. Lucas shares his stories, insights, and tips on how to prepare, survive, and thrive in a new environment. Ana listens with curiosity and admiration, and asks questions that you might have as well.
This dialogue is not only entertaining, but also educational. It is written in three languages: Korean, English, and Tetum. You can use it as a reference to improve your skills in any of these languages, or to learn more about the culture and society of Korea and Timor-Leste. You can also compare and contrast the similarities and differences between these languages and cultures, and discover new aspects of each.
**Conversation Begins**
Ana: 안녕, 루카스! 오랜만이야. 어떻게 지냈어?
(Ana: Ola Lucas, Kleur
la hasoru malu! Oinsa novidades durante ne’e?)
(Ana: Hi Lucas, it's been a while! How have you been?) Lucas: 안녕, 아나! 나는 잘 지냈어. 나는 방금 한국에서 돌아왔어.(Lucas: Ola Ana, Ha’u
diak hela durante ne’e. Ha’u foin fila husi Korea.)
(Lucas: Hi Ana, I've been good. I just got back from Korea.)
Ana: 아, 그렇지! 너는 거기서 세 년 동안 일했었지?
(Ana: Oh, nune’e
ka! Ita servisu iha ne’eba durante tinan tolu, lo’os ka lae?)
(Ana: Oh, that's right! You were working there for three
years, weren't you?) Lucas: 네, 나는 제조업에서 일했어.(Lucas: Sim, Ha’u
servisu iha industri fábrika.)
(Lucas: Yes, I was working in the manufacturing industry.)
Ana: 그것은 꽤 경험일 것 같아. 한국에 가기 전에 준비에 대해 더 말해 줄 수 있을까?
(Ana: ida ne’e
hanesan speriénsia diak ida. Bele fó hatene mai ha’u kona ba preparasaun ita bo’ot
nian antes ba Korea?)
(Ana: That sounds like quite an experience. Can you tell me
more about your preparation before going to Korea?)Lucas: 그럼, 나는 나라와 그 문화에 대해 많은 연구를 했어. 나는 또한 기본적인 한국어 수업을 들었어. 나는 동료들과 효과적으로 의사소통 할 수 있고 작업 문화를 더 잘 이해하고 싶었어. (Lucas: Klaru, antes
ne’e ha’u buka informasaun kona ba nasaun Korea ho nian Kultura. Ha’u mós tuir
kursu báziku dalen Korea nian, tamba ha’u tenki prepara-an hodi bele komunika
efétivu ho kolega sira no kompriende kultura servisu nian ho diak.)
(Lucas: Sure, I had to do a lot of research about the
country and its culture. I also took some basic Korean language classes. I
wanted to make sure I could communicate effectively with my colleagues and
understand the work culture better.)
Ana: 그것은 현명한 움직임처럼 들린다. 그럼 거기서의 작업 환경은 어땠어?
(Ana: Ne’e
preparasaun ne’ebé diak tebes. Oinsa ho ambiente servisu iha ne’ebá?)
(Ana: That sounds like a smart move. How about the work
environment there?)Lucas: 작업 환경은 여기와는 상당히 다르다. 한국의 제조업은 매우 진보되어 있고 빠르게 움직인다. 작업 시간은 길었지만, 사람들은 매우 헌신적이고 열심히 일했다. 그들은 자신의 일에 큰 자부심을 가지고 있고, 팀워크와 상호 존중의 강한 감각이 있다. 나는 그들로부터 많은 것을 배웠다.
(Lucas: Ambiente
servisu diferente oituan ho iha ne’e. Indústria fábrika iha Korea avansadu
tebes no la'o lalais. Oras serbisu nian kleur, maibé ema sira dedikadu tebes no
serbisu maka'as. Sira sente orgullu tebes ho sira-nia servisu, no iha
sentimentu forte kona-ba servisu iha ekipa no respeitu ba malu. Ha'u
aprende buat barak husi sira.)
(Lucas: The work environment was quite different from here.
The manufacturing industry in Korea is highly advanced and fast-paced. The work
hours were long, but the people were very dedicated and hardworking. They take
great pride in their work, and there's a strong sense of teamwork and mutual
respect. I learned a lot from them.)
Ana: 그것은 흥미롭다. 그럼 일 외의 활동은 어떤 것들이었어?
(Ana: Ne'e
interesante tebes. Ita halo atividade saidá deit depois oras serbisu remata?)
(Ana: That's interesting. What kind of activities did you do
outside of work?)Lucas: 나는 도시를 탐험하고, 현지 음식을 시도하고, 심지어 한국 요리 기술도 익혔다. 나는 또한 좋은 친구들을 만들었다. 우리는 종종 주말에 등산을 가거나 전통 시장을 방문했다. 그것은 문화에 몸을 녹이는 좋은 방법이었다.(Lucas: Ha'u la’o
esplora sidade, koko hahán lokal nian, aprende oinsa tein hahán Korea nian. Ha'u
mós halo belun di'ak ho ema Korea. Ami la'o ba vizita merkadu tradisionál no sa’e
foho iha fim da semana, nudar dalan diak hodi envolve-an iha Kultura ema Korea
nian.)(Lucas: I explored the city, tried local foods, and even
picked up some Korean cooking skills. I also made some good friends. We would
often go hiking on the weekends or visit traditional markets. It was a great
way to immerse myself in the culture.)
Ana: 너는 한국에서 충실한 시간을 보낸 것 같아. 문화적인 차이를 경험했니?
(Ana: Sente bá
hanesan ita bo’ot aprende buat barak iha Korea. Ita esperénsia ka lae kona ba
diferensa kultura?)
(Ana: It sounds like you had a fulfilling time in Korea. Did
you experience any cultural differences?)Lucas: 네, 문화적인 차이가 상당히 있었다. 예를 들어, 노인과 상사에 대한 존중은 한국 문화에서 깊이 뿌리내려 있다. 또한, 그들은 집단 조화를 매우 중요시하는 집단 문화를 가지고 있다. 이러한 문화적 뉘앙스를 탐색하는 것은 학습 경험이었다.(Lucas: Sin, iha
diferensa kulturál balu. Hanesan, hatudu respeitu ba katuas no superiór sira nudar
hahalok fundamental liu iha kultura ema Koreia nian. Nune'e mós, sira iha
kultura koletiva ida-ne'ebé iha valór boot ba armonia grupu nian. Ne'e hanesan
esperiénsia aprendizajen ida oinsa halo navigasaun ba nuansa kulturál.)(Lucas: Yes, there were quite a few cultural differences.
For instance, respect for elders and superiors is deeply ingrained in Korean
culture. Also, they have a collective culture where group harmony is highly valued.
It was a learning experience to navigate these cultural nuances.)
Ana: 그것은 매우 흥미롭다. 해외에서 일하는 것을 고려하는 사람들에게 조언이 있니?
(Ana: Nee mak buat ne'ebé furak tebes. Ita iha lia-menon ruma ba belun sira ne'ebé
hakarak ba serbisu iha rai seluk?)
(Ana: That's fascinating. Do you have any advice for people
who are considering working abroad?)Lucas: 네, 나는 연구를 하고, 새로운 경험에 열려 있으며, 자신의 편안한 영역 밖으로 나가는 것을 두려워하지 말라고 말하고 싶다. 그것은 배우고 성장할 수 있는 좋은 기회다.(Lucas: Sin, ha'u
hakarak hatete katak aprende barak, loke imi nia-an ba esperiénsia foun, no
keta ta'uk atu sai husi imi-nia zona konfortu hodi buka oportunidade di'ak atu
aprende no muda situasaun.)(Lucas: Yes, I would say do your research, be open to new
experiences, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. It's a great
opportunity to learn and grow.)
Ana: 그것은 좋은 조언이다, 루카스. 나와 당신의 경험을 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.
(Ana: Nee
lia-menon furak, Lucas. Obrigada tamba fahe ona Ita-Boot nia esperiénsia ho
(Ana: That's great advice, Lucas. Thanks for sharing your
experience with me.) Lucas: 천만에요, 아나. 내 기쁨이야.
(Lucas: De nada, Ana.
Ha’u kontente tebes ho ida ne’e.)
(Lucas: You're welcome, Ana. It was my pleasure.)
We hope you enjoyed this fictional journey with Lucas as he navigated the world of work in Korea’s manufacturing industry. His conversation with Ana, while imaginary, offers a glimpse into the experiences, challenges, and learnings that come with such an adventure. We encourage you to explore more such dialogues and references to enhance your understanding and proficiency in Korean and Tetum conversations.
Remember, every conversation is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Stay tuned to our blog for more future references that aim to provide diverse perspectives and enrich your knowledge. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep growing!
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Graphic by Jaciello |
A Fictional Conversation between Two Timorese Discuss about Working Abroad in Korea.
H(caps)ave you ever wondered what it would be like to work in a foreign country? How would you adapt to a different culture, language, and lifestyle? What would you learn from such an experience?
In this fictional conversation, we invite you to join Ana and Lucas, two friends from Timor-Leste, as they chat about Lucas's three-year journey working in the manufacturing industry in Korea. Lucas shares his stories, insights, and tips on how to prepare, survive, and thrive in a new environment. Ana listens with curiosity and admiration, and asks questions that you might have as well.
This dialogue is not only entertaining, but also educational. It is written in three languages: Korean, English, and Tetum. You can use it as a reference to improve your skills in any of these languages, or to learn more about the culture and society of Korea and Timor-Leste. You can also compare and contrast the similarities and differences between these languages and cultures, and discover new aspects of each.
**Conversation Begins**
(Ana: Oh, nune’e ka! Ita servisu iha ne’eba durante tinan tolu, lo’os ka lae?)
(Ana: ida ne’e hanesan speriénsia diak ida. Bele fó hatene mai ha’u kona ba preparasaun ita bo’ot nian antes ba Korea?)
(Lucas: Ambiente servisu diferente oituan ho iha ne’e. Indústria fábrika iha Korea avansadu tebes no la'o lalais. Oras serbisu nian kleur, maibé ema sira dedikadu tebes no serbisu maka'as. Sira sente orgullu tebes ho sira-nia servisu, no iha sentimentu forte kona-ba servisu iha ekipa no respeitu ba malu. Ha'u aprende buat barak husi sira.)
(Ana: Ne'e interesante tebes. Ita halo atividade saidá deit depois oras serbisu remata?)
(Ana: That's interesting. What kind of activities did you do outside of work?)
(Ana: Sente bá hanesan ita bo’ot aprende buat barak iha Korea. Ita esperénsia ka lae kona ba diferensa kultura?)
(Ana: It sounds like you had a fulfilling time in Korea. Did you experience any cultural differences?)
(Ana: Nee mak buat ne'ebé furak tebes. Ita iha lia-menon ruma ba belun sira ne'ebé hakarak ba serbisu iha rai seluk?)
(Ana: That's fascinating. Do you have any advice for people who are considering working abroad?)
(Ana: Nee lia-menon furak, Lucas. Obrigada tamba fahe ona Ita-Boot nia esperiénsia ho ha'u.)
We hope you enjoyed this fictional journey with Lucas as he navigated the world of work in Korea’s manufacturing industry. His conversation with Ana, while imaginary, offers a glimpse into the experiences, challenges, and learnings that come with such an adventure. We encourage you to explore more such dialogues and references to enhance your understanding and proficiency in Korean and Tetum conversations.
Remember, every conversation is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Stay tuned to our blog for more future references that aim to provide diverse perspectives and enrich your knowledge. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep growing!
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