UK Visa: Guia oinsa Aplika Visa Família, Turista no Servisu

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Graphic by Jaciello

A Guide for UK Visa Application with Tetum Translation

FAHE HO ITA - Applying for a UK visa can be a complex and daunting process, but with the right information and preparation, it becomes much more manageable. Whether you're planning to visit the UK for leisure, work, or to reunite with family, this blog post will outline the common procedures and requirements for UK visa applications. We'll cover three popular visa categories: family, tourist, and work visas.

Aplika visa ba UK bele hanesan prosesu ida kompleksu ho tempu naruk, maibé ho informasaun no preparasaun kompletu, sei bele maneja ho diak. Sekarik ita bo’ot hakarak vizita UK hodi buka kontente, buka servisu, ka atu re-unido ka hamutuk fali ho família, artigu blog ida ne'e fornese informasaun kompletu kona ba prosedimentu no rekizitu komun ba rejistrasaun visa UK nian. Informasaun ne’e sei kobre kategoria visa tolu ne'ebé popular: visa ba família, turista, no servisu.

1)      Family Visas - Visa ba Família:

a.       Spouse Visa:

·       To apply for a spouse visa, you must be married to a British citizen or a person settled in the UK.

·       You and your partner must intend to live together permanently in the UK.

·       Proof of a genuine and subsisting relationship is crucial.

·       Financial requirements, including a minimum income threshold, must be met.

Visa Espoza:

·       Atu aplika ba visa espoza, ita tenki matrimóniu ka kaben ho sidadaun britániku ka ema ne'ebé hetan ona diretu hodi hela ka rezide iha UK.

·       Ita bo’ot ho parseiru tenki iha intensaun hodi moris hamutuk ho permanente iha UK.

·       Prova kona-ba relasaun verdadeiru no subsistindo presija tebes (hanesan sertifikado Kazamentu).

·       Rekizitu finanseiru, inklui montante rendimentu minimu, tenki hatudu.

b.       Family Reunion Visa:

·       This visa allows you to join family members in the UK.

·       Eligible family members include children, parents, and dependent adult relatives of British citizens or settled persons.

·       You may need to prove your dependency on the sponsor in the UK.

Visa Re-unido Família:

·       Visa ida ne'e permite ita atu lori membru família sira ba UK.

·       Membru família sira ne’ebé elegível inklui labarik, inan-aman, no adultu relativu sira ne'ebé depende ba sidadaun britániku ka ema ne'ebé rezide iha UK.

·       Ita bo’ot tenki prova kona-ba dependénsia ita bo’ot nian ba patrosinadór iha UK.

2)      Tourist Visas - Visa Turista:

a.       Standard Visitor Visa:

·       For tourism, visiting friends/family, or business purposes.

·       You'll need to demonstrate strong ties to your home country, such as employment, assets, or family.

·       Proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay and return home is essential.

·       Provide an itinerary and accommodation details.

Visa Vizitante Estandar:

·       Ba turizmu, vizita kolega/família, ka objetivu negósiu.

·       Ita tenki demostra ligasaun forte ho ita-nia nasaun orižinál, hanesan empregu, rikusoin, ka família.

·       Prova kona-ba fundu sufisiente atu kobre ita nia nesesidade no hodi fila fali ba rai orižinál ne’e esensial.

·       Fornese itineráriu ka planu viajem no detallu kona-ba akomodasaun.

b.       Permitted Paid Engagement Visa:

·       For short-term paid work or specific engagements like conferences or sports events.

·       You must have a formal invitation from a UK organization.

·       Show evidence of the engagement and your intent to leave the UK afterward.

Visa Envolvimentu Remuneradu Permitidu:

·       Ba servisu ho tempu-badak, ka envolvimentu espesífiku hanesan konferénsia ka eventu desportivu.

·       Ita bo’ot tenki hetan konvite formal husi organizasaun iha UK.

·       Apresenta evidénsia kona-ba envolvimentu no iha intensaun hodi fila husi UK depois atividade remata.

3)      Work Visas - Visa Servisu:

a.       Tier 2 (General) Visa:

·       Sponsored by a UK employer with a valid sponsorship license.

·       Job offers with a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) required.

·       Points-based system, including a minimum salary threshold, English language proficiency, and maintenance funds.

Visa Tier 2 (Jeral) :

·       Patrosinadu husi empregadór iha UK ho lisensa patrosíniu ne'ebé válidu.

·       Presija aprejenta Sertifikadu hosi Patrosinadu (Certifikadu Sponsor) kona ba servisu mak oferta.

·       Pontus bazea ba sistema, inklui montante saláriu minimu, kompeténsia lingua ingléza, no fundu manutensaun.

b.       Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) Visa:

·       For temporary workers, such as charity workers, creative artists, and sportspeople.

·       A licensed sponsor must provide a COS.

·       Specific eligibility criteria depending on the subcategory.

Visa Tier 5 (Servisu Temporáriu):

·       Ba trabalhador temporáriu, hanesan trabalhador solidaridade, artista kriativu, no desportista.

·       Patrosinadór ho lisensa mak fornese COS.

·       Kritériu elijibilidade espesífiku depende ba subkategoria.



1)      Biometric Information: You'll likely need to provide fingerprints and a photograph at a visa application center. More information: UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services

Informações biométricas: Ita bo’ot sei oferese impressões digitais no fotográfia iha sentru aplikasaun visa. Informasaun adisionál: Servisu Aplikasaun Visa no Sidadaun UK

2)      Application Form: Complete the appropriate online application form, paying the required fee. Application forms can be found on the UK government's official website.

Formuláriu Aplikasaun: Kompleta ho apropriadu formuláriu aplikasaun online, selu taxa ne'ebé presiza. Formulariu aplikasaun online bele hetan iha ne’e: Porta Ofisial Governo UK.

3)      Supporting Documents: Include essential documents like passports, photographs, and any additional documents specific to your visa category.

Dokumentu Suporta: Inklui dokumentu esensiál hanesan pasaporte, fotográfia, no dokumentu seluk ne'ebé espesífiku ba kategoria visa ne’ebé ita bo’ot hili.

4)      English Language Proficiency: Some visas require proof of English language skills, typically through recognized tests like IELTS (International English Language Testing System). More information on English language requirements can be found here.

Kompeténsia Lingua Inglesa: Visa balun presiza prova kompeténsia lingua inglesa, normalmente liu husi testu hanesan IELTS (Sistema Teste Lingua Inglesa Internasional). Informasaun kompleta bele hetan iha ne'e.

5)      Health Insurance: Depending on the visa type, you may need to show evidence of adequate health insurance.

Asuransia Saúde: Dependente ba tipu visa, ita dala ruma presiza hatudu evidénsia kona ba kondisaun saúde.

6)      Tuberculosis Test: If applicable, undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test at an approved clinic.

Teste Tuberkulóze: Se aplikável, submete teste tuberkulóze (TB) iha klínika aprovadu.

7)      Criminal Record Check: Provide a criminal record certificate if required. Information on obtaining a criminal record certificate can be found here.

Certifikadu Kriminál: Fornese sertifikadu kriminál wainhira presiza. Informasaun kona-ba oinsa hetan sertifikadu kriminál bele hetan iha ne'e.


Important: Applying for a UK visa involves careful planning and attention to detail. Start your application well in advance, ensuring you meet all the specific requirements for your chosen visa category. Consulting the official UK government website or seeking guidance from a visa consultant can be beneficial in navigating the process successfully. Remember that visa requirements can change, so it's essential to stay updated with the latest information when preparing your application. Good luck with your UK visa application!


Importante: Aplika ba visa UK envolve planu diak no atensaun ba detallu. Aplikasaun halao antes kedas no asegura katak ita kumpre rekizitu espesífiku hotu ba kategoria visa ne'ebé ita hakarak aplika. Konsulta website ofisial Governu UK ka buka ajuda husi konsultór visa hodi ajuda ita bo’ot asiste prosesu ho susesu. atensaun katak rekizitu sira ba visa bele muda bebeik, tanba ne'e importante atu nafatin aktualizadu ho informasaun foun bainhira prepara ita bo’ot nia aplikasaun.

Boa sorte ho aplikasaun ba visa UK ita nian!

Link ba Aplikasaun online: Portal ofisial Governu UK


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