JOB ADRA-TL: CSO Capacity Building Trainer/Mentor



Terms of Reference

CSO Capacity Building Trainer/Mentor

 Background information

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. Since 2010, ADRA TL has implemented development programs in Timor-Leste in the area of WASH, agriculture development, savings and loan, value chain development, women empowerment, civil society strengthening and humanitarian response. 

Since 2021, European Union and Austrian Development Agency has committed a 4-year project implemented by ADRA Timor-Leste and Rede Feto Timor-Leste, namely Hakbiit Feto (HF) Project under the EC Contract No. CSO-LA/20219/423-106. The HF project works closely with local women focused CSOs, strengthening their capacity to operate sustainably and become efficient and effective in creating lasting impact by assessing organisations’ needs and develop their capacity in terms of leadership, project cycle management, quality, accountability and transparency, advocacy and business development.   

 The Hakbi’it Feto project addresses several root causes preventing women’s social and economic empowerment in Timor-Leste. It builds on lessons learned and systems for market access and communication developed in various projects with objectives to build and support agriculture value chains.


The Overall objective of the Project is to empower women socially and economically.

The specific objectives the Hakbi’it Feto project are:

·       SO1: to strengthen CSOs to operate effectively to support development and women’s empowerment.

·       SO2: to promote supportive relationships within families for participation in society and economic activities; and

·       SO3: to support women’s engagement in society and the economy through participation in value chains and market systems.


One of the activities of the project under SO1 is Activity 1.1.4 CSOs Learning Platform conducts training/consultancies/coaching/ mentoring/on-the-job facilitation in leadership, project cycle management, program quality/effectiveness, accountability, and transparency. Since the learning platform is not functioning yet, ADRA TL will recruit a professional trainer/mentor to support Hakbiit Feto Project team in providing training to local CSOs (members of Rede Feto) and representatives of RF secretariat on project cycle management.  This TOR describes the details of the training.


The purpose of the trainer/mentor is to support the Hakbi’it Feto project team to deliver services to selected CSOs members of Rede Feto by responding to the training needs for the Rede Feto and CSOs identified through Organisational Capacity Assessment conducted during Y1 and Y2.  The service in particularly will focus on Project Cycle Management (PCM) by considering develop the organization PCM process.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Results to be achieved by the trainer/mentor

The results to be achieved by the Trainer/Mentor in chronological order are as follows:

1.      40 participants from 20 CSOs under Rede Feto and Rede Feto Secretariat of Trainers trained with certification.

2. Increased knowledge of training participants on the methods to do project planning, monitoring, and reporting. Increased capacity of Rede Feto Secretariat and its CSOs in terms of project cycle management, that will increase their reputation and ability to access more financial opportunities. Increased the knowledge of Rede Feto and its CSOs in terms of the methods and process in developing organizational strategic plan that will help them to be more focus and effective seeking for funding opportunities.

3.      Increased the capacity of the Rede Feto secretariat to be more confident and provide good quality of services and have easy access to funding opportunities and provide more sustainable mentoring to its members.  Increased the capacity of CSOs in program management that will lead to the increasing of their visibility in their community, region, and eventually central level.

4.      After the training the participant from each CSOs expected to develop a good proposal, Teoria of Changes, develop new detail implementation plan and revise the existing according to the training, include develop and revise the project indicators of performance.  

5.      Training documented with video and scripts to be uploaded to the learning platform.



1.1.1.   Geographical area to be covered

The training will be conducted in Dili municipality.   The targeted CSOs will be from Dili and other Municipalities.

1.1.2.   Target groups

The training will be conducted in Dili municipality that will cover 40 people representing 20 identified Rede Feto CSOs from Dili and other municipalities and RF Secretariat.

This training is expected to benefit the key/senior staff from selected CSOs and Rede Feto secretariat. The CSOs and Rede Feto secretariat representatives will be specifically targeted to those staff who have influence and decision-making power in project management and organisation.

Before undertaking the training, the consultant will receive briefing and familiarize own self on project and numbers of the project beneficiaries and the current capacity of Rede Feto secretariat and its CSO members.

Specific work

The consultant will be expected to conduct the following tasks in order to deliver the training and mentoring on Project Cycle Management:

1.      Conduct capacity building needs assessment before the training to selected CSOs

2.      Submit capacity building needs assessment and recommendations include proposed training syllabus, training plan or agenda for approval of ADRA TL

3.      Deliver training to CSOs on Project Cycle Management with participatory and practical approach.

4.      Conduct pre & post - test.

5.      Provide 1-time mentoring visit to the participant on how they adopt the training content into their organizational and project implementation practices.

6.      Submit training and mentoring report to ADRA TL by no later than one week after the training and mentoring.

7.      Directly report to Hakbiit Feto Project Manager.

8.      Present training module, syllabus, and training agenda to Hakbiit Feto team prior to training.

9.      The training manual could be in Tetun or English using terms and language that are easy to grasp by audiences from multiple background.


Project management

1.1.3.   Responsible body

The Trainer/Mentor will report directly to the Hakbi’it Feto Project Manager. However, s/he will also be expected work closely with the MEAL Specialist and Rede Feto Project Officer.

ADRA TL will provide:            

-          Guidance and technical support as required throughout the training.

-          Approval of the plan, syllabus, and report

-          Training venue.

-          All training materials, such as stationeries; projector; etc.

-          Meals, refreshment, Transport refund & accommodation for participants; and

-          Ensure all participants present during training.

-          Rede Feto Project officer will continue to conduct regular mentoring to CSO members in ensuring the learning implementations.


The consultant will be responsible for:

-          Conduct capacity building needs assessment

-          Provide training syllabus.

-          Developing training materials and tools.

-          Conducting the training in a participatory and practical way

-          Submit training report and project Cycle Management training materials to ADRA TL


1.1.4.   Management structure

The project team is composed of one Project Manager, Finance person, one Business &Value Chain Specialist, One MEAL Specialist, and one project driver. 

The Hakbi’it Feto Project Manager is responsible for overall coordination, planning, development of operational procedures and guidelines, monitoring, and supervision of all activities. This position reports to ADRA Program Director who strategically support to the team, undertake periodic monitoring and supervision, and liaise with ADRA Austria and EC delegation in Dili. 

The Hakbi’it Feto PM with the support from the Project MEAL Specialist, in coordination with Rede Feto Project Officer will support, and monitor the training activities.

1.1.5.   Facilities to be provided by the contracting authority and/or other parties

The selected Trainer/Mentor should provide any facilities needed to carry out the assignment. The Contracting Authority will only provide other supporting materials required from the training activities, including copy and printing of training materials as well as coordination with Rede Feto and CSOs to mobilize them to attend Project Cycle Management training. 



The operational base of this training materials development and training activities will be conducted in Dili, and no field work required for this assignment.  

Starting date & period of implementation

The intended start date of this consultancy service is 23 October 2023 and the period of implementation of the contract will be three months from this date. The following is the detail activities timeline for the training consultant:




Working Days


Initial meeting with the project team and Project Document Review

7 November 2023



Conduct Training need assessment

9 -10 November 2023



Develop training syllabus/plan/agenda based on training need assessment result

13 November 2023



Presentation of training materials/syllabus/plan/agenda to Project Team for review and approval

14 November 2023



Provide training to representatives from Rede Feto Secretariat and identified CSOs

20 – 24 November 2023



Submit training report for review and approval

30 November 2023



Conduct the mentoring to the Secretariat RFTL and CSOs members according to the agenda schedule

December 2023 – February 2024



Final Report

19 February 2024







Consultant Qualification

ADRA TL expects to recruit a Timorese National to be the Trainer/Mentor who has the following qualifications:

o   An advance degree in Management, Development Studies, Social Studies, Education, or relevant areas;

o   Has conducted PCM training already.

o   Minimum of 10 years of relevant professional job experience (professional trainer, civil society organizations’ capacity development, program management, etc.) in NGO sector

o   In-depth knowledge or familiarity of Timor-Leste CSOs capacity development issues;

o   Has technically sound experiences in providing training and mentoring to Civil Society Organizations, government departments and other agencies.

o   Fluency in Spoken and Written of English or Tetun Languages.

o   Demonstrated excellent presentation, facilitation, communication skills; and mentoring skills,

o   Strong report writing skills in English or Tetun


Supporting Staff

The Trainer/Mentor will be supported by ADRA TL Hakbiit Feto project Manager, MEAL Specialist, Project Officer of Rede Feto. The consultant will be supported with training need facilities and equipment that will be covered by the project.

1.1.6.   Key experts 

The Contracting Authority is only looking for one key expert as Trainer/Mentor the qualifications mentioned in the previous section (Consultant Qualification).

1.1.7.   Support staff & backstopping repetition

No backstopping or support staff is deemed necessary for the assignment. The Hakbi’t Feto Project team will support the selected Trainer/Mentor during the execution of this assignment.

Office accommodation

The selected Trainer/Mentor is expected to work from his/her own office or residence and only come to ADRA TL office for consultation and provide the training at the location will be determined by ADRA TL.   

Facilities to be provided by the trainer/mentor

The selected Trainer/Mentor should provide any facilities (office space etc.) needed to develop training materials, syllabus, and training agenda. The inception meetings will take place at ADRA TL main office in Dili.


The selected Trainer/Mentor should provide any equipment (laptop, camera, stationaries) needed to carry out the assignment. The Contracting Authority will provide support in terms of mobilizing CSOs representatives to attend the training, including other stationaries required during the training sessions, such as notebooks, flip chard, markers, and projector for slide presentations.  The project team will also support the selected consultant in mentoring trip to visit CSOs.

Lump sums

No pre-payment are foreseen in this contract.


Reporting requirements

The hired consultant is expected to submit training plan before the training and training report at the minimum of 5 working days after conducted training. The following is the details reporting requirements for the selected consultant:

Name of report


Time of submission

Provide and present of Training manual, syllabus, and agenda

·   The content of the syllabus is composed of (but not limited to):

·   Introduction to a project.

·   Project management

·   Detail phases in Project Cycle Management

-    Project Initiation/Design - ToC

-    Project Planning – include budgeting.

-    Project Execution

-    Project Monitoring and Controlling

-    Project Closing  

To be presented to ADRA Timor-Leste 2 days after signed the contract.

Training and Mentoring report

The training report in English or Tetun that covered:

-    Introduction

-    Background and Objective of the training

-    Methodology 

-    Target beneficiaries

-    Training program

-    Key points covered during the training:

o   Introduction to a project

o   Project Cycle Management

-    Expected result: Pre & Post-test result comparation and analysis.

-    Limitations and challenges

-    Closing:

Conclusion and Recommendations Annexes

-  Annex with each CSOs participant proposal development/ revision, ToC, details implementation plan and project indicators performance.

-  Report must include relevant photos, graphs and quotes.

-    The report will be considered final after reviewed and approved by ADRA TL.

Within 5 working days after the training is provided.

 Submission of training reports

Within 5 days after training is completed, the hired consultant is required to submit the report to the Hakbiit Feto Project Manager, who will allocate the internal review among the project team and ADRA TL Program Team.  The hired training consultant is encouraged that the training report must be written in English and/or Tetun and should be submitted in digital format. The project manager is responsible for review and approving the reports.


Definition of indicators

Indicator 1. Syllabus, lessons plan and agenda submitted on time.

Indicator 2. Conduct pre & post – test before and after training

Indicator 3. Lead and facilitate training as planned.

Indicator 4. Training Report submitted on time.


Application Process

ADRA Timor-Leste invites individual training consultant and/or training institution or companies (preferred local consultant) who meet above requirement to submit an expression of interest, which should include the following:

§  A suitability statement, including commitment of availability for the entire period of the assignment.

§  A narrative proposal which should include the following information (at a minimum):

o   Technical proposal with clear methodology, tools training syllabus and agenda.

o   CV of key consultant(s) attached to the technical proposal clearly showing the qualification and experience of the consultant and his/her team.

o   Proposed budget.

o   Proposed timeline.

o   Contacts details of three reachable organizations or institutions recently worked with.

Selection Criteria

·       Has background education in Management, Development Studies, Social Studies, Education, or relevant areas.

·       Minimum of 10 years of relevant professional job experience (professional trainer, civil society organisations’ capacity development, program management, etc.);

·       Timorese national with in-depth knowledge or familiarity of Timor-Leste CSOs capacity development context.

·       Has technically sound experiences in providing training to Civil Society Organisations, government departments and other agencies.

·       Fluency in Spoken and Written of English or Tetun Languages.

·       Demonstrated excellent presentation, facilitation and communication skills; and

·       Strong report writing skills in English or Tetun

·       Able to comply with ADRA TL procedures, guidelines, and policies.


The hired Trainer/Mentor will be expected to abide by ADRA’s Child Protection Code of Conduct and Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policies and will undergo Criminal History Check and reference checks. 

How to Apply

All interested and qualified consultant should send his/her application and CV explain the fitness to the Selection Criteria to: and  

or hand-delivered to the office of ADRA Timor-Leste, Rua Halimesak, Delta II, Dili, Timor-Leste  

Deadline for application: All applications should be submitted by (Friday, 27 October 2023 by COB 12:30pm hrs). Application received after this time will not be considered.  


Kind Regards

Marsaulina Pasaribu



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